Found an interesting YouTube series called Game Chasers. It is a reality TV style show of a couple of dudes that hunt down awesome Retro Styled games and systems.
Let me know what you think of it, I find these kinds of video game shows really interesting.
Let me know what you think of it, I find these kinds of video game shows really interesting.
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This is the sort of thing I like and it's possible I'd end up watching more but this guys really seem like dbags to me. Nothing personal to them but a little charisma would go a long way towards making this show a lot more watchable.
Fair enough. Sometimes the line between humor and actually being a d-bag is fine :D
I would do terrible things to that toy store but I wouldn't say nerdgasm or make fake humping motions. I don't know. I'm being a judgmental jerk.
It's actually a good example of like an aesthetic that's like a "nerd-thug" that I've always been irritated by.
I think there is something there. Personally I don't hump my video games, even the ones I love. Wherein I get why people think its Hil-freak-arious, I sort of side with you Gary. That kind of thing is pretty cringe worthy.
Now I could hug something, like a power glove, but you know.. thats sort of different and all ages. :D
I'd love a version of this that wasn't fucking obnoxious. I'm interested in hunting for old games. Just don't be such dumb thug meat heads about it.