Ripstone recently released Gun Commando a retro flavored shooter for the Playstation Mobile Platform. Video featured above is seriously channeling some awesome Doom energy!
Blizzard recently dropped a really interesting preview of whats coming in Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. The post focuses a bit on multiplayer, the story and Zerg additions.
GoG recently released Neverwinter Nights 2 the complete pack. Obsidians take on this BioWare property currently has a 4.5 out 5 star rating on GoG.
You can now download some really interesting ringtones for your phone right now off the Borderlands 2 site. The ringtones featuring the voices of Claptrap, Mr. Torgue, Sir Hammerlock & Tiny Tina.
The YouTuber @MrDanINSANE released a interesting Binding of Isaac fanimation. I don't see many of these and felt it was worth sharing.
Blizzard recently dropped a really interesting preview of whats coming in Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. The post focuses a bit on multiplayer, the story and Zerg additions.
GoG recently released Neverwinter Nights 2 the complete pack. Obsidians take on this BioWare property currently has a 4.5 out 5 star rating on GoG.
You can now download some really interesting ringtones for your phone right now off the Borderlands 2 site. The ringtones featuring the voices of Claptrap, Mr. Torgue, Sir Hammerlock & Tiny Tina.
The YouTuber @MrDanINSANE released a interesting Binding of Isaac fanimation. I don't see many of these and felt it was worth sharing.