Portal 2

Released on April 18, 2011 by Valve

Developed by Valve

The "Perpetual Testing Initiative" has been expanded to allow you to design co-op puzzles for you and your friends!

I created another Portal 2 map: "Levels be Three Let them Be."

Not entirely sure what the name means, but it sounded good to me.

Its a bit more puzzley than my first map and it requires you to use one cube the entire map, which is kind of neat. Been spending quite a bit of time playing other peoples Portal 2 maps and building my own. This is my second map and as such spent more time decorating it than the first map. Trying to place the observation rooms and lights such that the test chamber doesn't look bare. Also pushing up single blocks and putting a light on top to make things look a bit more natural. I like the way it all turned out.

The map description:

"Run, jump and... Read All

First one I actually felt was worth publishing. Let me know what you think.


Really happy with the editor, but here and there you play one that you know was done in Hammer and it's a major difference. Apparrently there is a way to set up your map in this editor and then export it to Hammer for finishing touches (non-flat surfaces, different texture sets, scripting capabilites). If you want to see what I mean, check out the "Decay" Maps in the workshop.


I just made and published my first Portal 2 map called "The Joys of the Underground." The new Portal 2 map editor is pure awesome. I haven't had this much fun making maps since Wolf 3D. For the first 45 minutes I was just building things, then I started pushing out walls and built a huge chamber. 3 hours later "The Joys of the Underground" was complete.


Let me know what you think. The map isn't hard but it is pretty fun and I LOVED creating it. I will be making more maps for certain. Making a map creator tool that doesn't take a PHD to use is nice.

Anyone here making portal maps? Apparently there are already 35,000 of them. I might try to put one together this weekend (or next... who know's when I'll have the time). I'll link it if I get it together.

Valve will finally release the Portal 2 simplified level editor and rating system May 8th! Looks like it will be free DLC for all PC players and there is no word on it coming to consoles. Awesome.

I don't generally do much in the area of level editing but I plan on giving this editor a spin as it looks pretty straight forward to use. I picked up the PS3 version and that came with a free steam copy. Its cool they are releasing this so far after launch!


You can finally buy a real life Aperture Science Portal gun that... doesn't actually shoot Portals. They don't sell it very well in the video to do much more than make noises that kind of sound like the game and light up a bit. I am thinking this would be cool have on a shelf somewhere with some other video game collectors stuff like my Power Glove.

I love my sweet Power Glove. Sweet. sweet Power Glove.... Oh wait... Sorry... Im back now...

Might have been better if it could at least project a light on a wall then it could double as a rad flash light. Still, this will be rad for Cosplay and Halloween.

They are already sold out.

Unsure if you have seen this. If not, check it out.

Let's do some math:
Deus Ex: $15.99 36 hours 44/hr
Skyrim: $54.99 213 hours 26/hr
Portal2: $49.99 23 hours $2.17/hr

And you know what, Portal was worth every penny.

It was my favorite game of last year, over Skyrim, over Deus Ex, over... everything. Shoot, there should have been an option to leave your web-cam on during the entire game so that you can go back and just watch your own $#!? eating grin for hours on end.

There wasn't a part of that game that I didn't think was about perfect.

Possible my favorite part is this: you go through an entire game without hurting a fly (unless you count personality cores or turrets). No, I'm not a huge pacifist, and I have zero... Read All

I was wondering what people had to say about the possible insinuation in Portal 2 that Chell is Caroline/Glados's kid by Cave Johnson.

It seems possible, but the game only references it in a few ways. Quoting off the Half-Life wiki http://half-life.wikia.com/wiki/Chell

"...information revealed in Portal 2 implies that Chell was the child of an Aperture scientist and was touring the facility on Bring Your Daughter To Work Day when GLaDOS took over."

Caroline and Cave Johnson had a relationship, which is implied in the game. It seems Caroline has a connection to Chell, possibly before she was transferred into the computer.

Anyways, wondering your thoughts about it.