You can finally buy a real life Aperture Science Portal gun that... doesn't actually shoot Portals. They don't sell it very well in the video to do much more than make noises that kind of sound like the game and light up a bit. I am thinking this would be cool have on a shelf somewhere with some other video game collectors stuff like my Power Glove.
I love my sweet Power Glove. Sweet. sweet Power Glove.... Oh wait... Sorry... Im back now...
Might have been better if it could at least project a light on a wall then it could double as a rad flash light. Still, this will be rad for Cosplay and Halloween.
They are already sold out.
I love my sweet Power Glove. Sweet. sweet Power Glove.... Oh wait... Sorry... Im back now...
Might have been better if it could at least project a light on a wall then it could double as a rad flash light. Still, this will be rad for Cosplay and Halloween.
They are already sold out.

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lol, I just read about this on Joystiq and came on here to share it. You beat me to it!
As for the toy Portal gun: DO WANT.
Did you see how much it was?
It didn't say on the Joystiq article, but Kotaku says it's $150. Seems kinda steep for a toy, even for one that does look really, really awesome.
Wow. Maybe when I win the lottery then. :)
I tried to get my wife to do this last Christmas. She didn't go for it...
Sucks because that would have been totally awesome.