Got a few minutes? Try this out when you get a chance. It requires the Unity Web Player. Definitely worth trying out if for nothing but the intro. You'll see what I mean.
Interested to see where they take this in the full game. I hope there are more interactions with the 'Relics' system. Could do without the abstract platforming, though the puzzle systems involved there are pretty cool. The sound, at least in the Relics screens, is my favorite.
Ever watch the anime Blame!?
Tungsten Post Author
wrote on 04/30/2013 at 10:31am
@Travis: Ya, I got a lost a bit, but there does actually seem to be some puzzle elements hidden somewhere in the noise.
@scrypt: I like it for the atmosphere. Just the console in the beginning was worth the price of admission.
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Holds up really well. Bought this in High School as part of a Lucas Arts CD pack. This version is great because it has th voice tracks, unlike the floppy version.
The art style and writing are still, very good. I'd makes some in-jokes but they'd all be spoilers, enjoy!
Azurephile Super Member
wrote on 01/25/2014 at 03:48am
Hahahaha, that's awesome! I knew I recognized WhiteboySlim's icon! I played the game long ago on my first Windows PC. That said, I don't remember it too well. I remember being introduced to Maniac Mansion on the NES and I loved it (even played it recently in an emulator). Although, I never played the PC version, which was supposedly a bit better and perhaps a bit more crude.
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The public beta begins tomorrow and it looks like something worth checking out. It seems to be the answer to the question "What would happen if you let a bunch of huge Diablo 2 fans make Diablo 3." Oh, and its Free-to-Play... so why not try it?
Would be nice to see Mac/Linux support, but I get why that can tricky while also moving through beta. I have a friend who I used to play D2 with quite a bit that now a days refuse to devote this sort of hardware to Windoze.
Given that I was just playing D3 this morning (ah the joys of being unemployed :) ) I'll probably check this out on my spare system.
This game is really interesting. Its kind of like Diablo with a Greek aesthetic. UI is a bit hard to navigate at times, but its an interesting game for sure.
I've tooled around with Blender before, but I've left it alone for about 6 months now.
Enter Cycles
Cycles is Blender's new renderer and I must say that it is a thing of beauty. It's fast, it's practical, and, most of all, it makes lighting and materials make sense, something that has been a major hurdle in my modeling hobby. Oh, and the near real time renders (for small resolutions) help tremendously.
The image I've attached took about 20 minutes to model (and I'm really bad), but the real key is that the lighting and materials took about 2min.
I'm trying to be moderate. Some deals are just too good to miss, but I'm not buying stuff just because it's cheap. So far I only got Darksiders Franchise pack, Saints Row: The Third Season Pass and bought some heavily discounted games to give away on SteamGifts. Still hoping to get Natural Selection 2, Immortal Throne expansion pack for Titan Quest and the complete edition of Dungeons of Dredmor.
I'm kind of hoping more games are added to the bundle as I paid over the average :)
beansmyname Supporter
wrote on 12/28/2012 at 01:00am
@jdodson and you got your wish. :) 3 more games added to the bundle.
I, too, have been trying to control myself, but the Humble Bundle came out and I can't resist any of those. Also, my current gaming rig is a little underpowered for most AAA titles, so that's helped, too.
However, I did re-purchase Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit for the PS3 since the optical drive died a while back.
@bean I totally did. And they added some really great games too.
Your PS3 disc drive doesnt work? Whoa. Thats a huge bummer. I guess we could still use Netflix with it, but not BluRay? Whoa.
beansmyname Supporter
wrote on 12/28/2012 at 10:17pm
S'ok. I only have two BluRays anyway and a lot of my more recent games have been digital downloads. I had been using GameFly for disc-based titles to play some of the games I hadn't played before, so now I get to save $20/month.
And I'm past the point of paying another $270 for a low-end PS3. Blasphemy, right? Take away my gamer card now.
No. I think the PS3 is at the end of its life, so if BluRay isn't a big deal then I can see not replacing it. I really dig my PS3 a lot but the only game I still have to play on it I have not is Read Dead Redemption and thats because it didn't come with a PC port.
Tungsten Post Author
wrote on 12/29/2012 at 02:27pm
Still waiting for that. I'd pick it up. Is it the only one without a port?
Yeah, Rockstar said it would be released without a PC port. It made some sense to me at the time because console games way outsold PC. I wonder if they will break on that and port it?
Tungsten Post Author
wrote on 12/29/2012 at 08:07pm
Well, we have every GTA, all the Max Payne's, at least 2 of the midnight clubs, LA Noir, Bully.... no Table Tennis though (pretty good BTW). So ya, Table Tennis and Red Dead Redemption. Those are the two they did not port to PC.
Tungsten Post Author
wrote on 12/29/2012 at 10:02pm
... Gave in... Witcher2...Well, I liked the first one, let's see how this goes.
Wow that is really intense. Putting that game on my list for sure now. Well, prob finish The Witcher first then move to the sequel. Nabbed the first Witcher at the time I was buying a ton of games at it was lost in the mix.
Did you play the original and if so how does this stack up?
Tungsten Post Author
wrote on 12/31/2012 at 09:42pm
The first one, if you can get through some awkward mechanics and a really creepy predatory relationship system, is pretty good. The new one shares a couple problems with the original, but it has quite a bit of personality.
Sick an tired of those Terran Republic overlords, wearing red and telling us what to do? Think the the Vanu Sovereignty is just a bunch of guys in purple pajamas? Well then the place for you is the New Conglomerate, or, as some have dubbed it, Space 'Merica. We spend our days shootin', cussin', shootin' some more, all while drinking Space PBR and making some dough.
Come and join me on the Jaeger server. You have no excuse, its free-to-play.
Is there some place I can go for an explanation of how to play? After I started I was fairly confused as to my team goals and how to advance. I ended up looking around and took a few shots at some aircraft.
Tungsten Post Author
wrote on 12/23/2012 at 05:57pm
Ya, there are a bunch of newb-guides on the interwebs, but honestly... the best way is to meet up with some people you know. I'm on vacation for the next two weeks, so if anyone wants me to show them around, join the New Conglomerate on Jaeger server and send a friend request to OxygenNo8. Bring a mic if possible.
First impressions: It's really good, except that I'm probably going to be tense for the next month and half. The first time some alien just pops out of no where and kills one of the soldiers you've put so much time into... it just make you want to throw your computer across the room.
Let me know if you want to play MP. You'll probably beat up on me pretty good.
The only gripe I have about the game is that the aliens are mobs that need to be activated before they take action. Most of the horror of UFO Defense was hearing aliens walk around slaughtering innocent people while you were desperately trying to hunt them. Other than that, it's quite a piece of work.
I will pick this up for a little more of a discount later. I really liked the demo but I already have a lot of games I still need finish. When I get it, lets do some multi-player! I really enjoyed the demo levels and could see losing a great unit would suck badly.
That all said I am pretty happy with picking up and playing Diablo 3 from time to time. Haven't got to any of the end game stuff yet, but at some point I will.
I can wallop The Butcher in Inferno pretty easily now, but the first bit of Act II still slays me. I may have hit the point where you have to love the grind to keep going.
I'm OK with that, I suppose. It's definitely a pick-up-put-down game for me. I play it a couple of days and have loads of fun, then I'm done for a while. If I quit right now and never looked at it again, I would have still gotten my $60 worth.
I got a pretty good value out of mine too I think. I got ze Collectors which I think is superb. Prob listened to the soundtrack more than I've played the game.
Yes, keys drop in inferno acts 1-3 when you have 5 stacks of valor. Each monster power gives an additional 10% chance for the key to drop. So MP10 has a 100% drop chance. We usually farm them on MP5 or 6.
I just finally got all 3 organs the other day and made my first hellfire ring. It didn't roll very well but at least I get the bonus XP!
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Pick from a game on this list below and use the coupon code: OS3874XVC Dragon Age Origins Dragon Age 2 Mass Effect 1 or 2 Battlefield 2142 Crysis Warhead Dead Space 1 or 2 Medal of Honor Darksport Fifa 12 Sim City 4 Need for Speed: Pro Street Medal of Honor: Airborn Battlefield 2 Spore Crysis Bulletstorm Burnout Paradise Battlefield Bad Company 2 Sims 2 Double Deluxe Mercenaries 2 The Saboteur Mirrors Edge
I'm sure there are a few others
1 free game per account (so I made 3 accounts :) )
I found it, its not on their search. You have to manually look through all their games to find it. Origin is stupid. You can also use the code multiple times if you delete your history and cookies and log out and back in.
I think I might get a free game too. To test it out. Still haven't tried dragon age yet. From what I have seen, it looks like EA uses always on auth, which is similar to Steam.
Some games have secureROM but they are removing it or in the process.
Tungsten Post Author
wrote on 10/18/2012 at 01:27am
I will admit it makes me feel a bit... unethical. Like my old pirating days. I kind of pride myself on being pretty much on the up and up of late.
Wait, I got 3 free games that are legally mine so I feel fine now.
($20 bucks says that there's something burried in the EULA that could send me to federal prison. Does anyone ever read those things? I probably signed over my child or something when I installed)
Hahahaha, I bet since this was such a well publicised thing that they wont ding anyone and if they do I imagine all it will be is shutting off an account. :D
Funny thing is, I think Origin should basically give away some free games to get users, I was ready to sign up and try it out then it stopped. Not coming back now, I don't know if a .99 cent game would get me to sign up.
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I got past the intro and through the first... thing. But then it just seemed to be infinitely repeating stuff with no rhyme or reason.
Crazy. Fascinatingly crazy. I love it.
Interested to see where they take this in the full game. I hope there are more interactions with the 'Relics' system. Could do without the abstract platforming, though the puzzle systems involved there are pretty cool. The sound, at least in the Relics screens, is my favorite.
Ever watch the anime Blame!?
@Travis: Ya, I got a lost a bit, but there does actually seem to be some puzzle elements hidden somewhere in the noise.
@scrypt: I like it for the atmosphere. Just the console in the beginning was worth the price of admission.