Jack and Rich review Metal Gear V and like all of their reviews I found it amusing and fun. Like Rich, the last Metal Gear game I played was on the NES and I wasn't really drawn to the rest. Many people loved the later Playstation games and there is an incredibly loyal fanbase for them. So much so that this review seems to have caused some Metal Gear fans to take shots at Jack in the comments. Video Game controversy isn't new but I often find it strange as people are essentially getting upset someone has an opinion about a game they don't share. Sure Jack and Rich are snarky as is the Red Letter Media way, but I didn't find it grossly offensive or insulting.

Jack and... Read All

Greetings human. Wick and I will be giving a co-talk at this years Eugene IndieGame Con about Starship Rubicon from it's early stages to eventual Steam launch. We talk about the games humble beginnings, Kickstarter and also discuss the age old question "why make another indie game?" Spoiler alert, we ain't rich but we can hopefully convince you we had fun and learned... something. Oh and come by and check out our all new Cheerful Ghost / Starship Rubicon booth. We will have some surprises for people so come check it out.

IndieGame Con is happening October 2nd-3rd and we will be boothing and give our talk October 3rd. For more information about IndieGame con, ticket... Read All

I've heard it said that in space no one can hear you scream with glee that so many sweet games are being ported to Mac and Linux. Or is that line shorter? 2014's chest-bursting hit Alien: Isolation is coming to Mac and Linux on Steam next week and I am very excited. It seems that some publishers are releasing a game initially then when the game has been out for sometime, drop it on Mac and Linux. I think this is a good strategy to pump some life in a games release cycle. This news also comes about a couple months away from Steam Machines launching so it might be related to that too.

Now watch the original 1979 trailer for a piece of cinematic history and the movie that... Read All

Travis, WhiteboySlim and jdodson are back at it talking about what we've been playing, the upcoming games we are all planning on getting and then one of our favorite games Terraria. Terraria is a special game for Cheerful Ghost as we have been playing it for about 3 years and 5 group servers. We talk about our love for the game, the parts about it we love the most and our most recent server experiences. This may bring our total mentions for the game to damn near close to infinity.

Azurephile gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Azurephile gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.

  • The Witcher (first game): Not so great, not really recommended

  • The Witcher 2: Good game kind of recommended

  • The Witcher 3: Strongly recommended, must play!
This summer, one of my friends mentioned that he was playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. I knew the game was popular, but otherwise knew nothing else about it. I noticed that The Witcher series was on sale during Steam's Summer Sale. The entire series cost about as much as The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, so basically it was as though I bought the third game at a discount and got the other two games for free.

I started out with the first game and I wasn't too greatly impressed. It was an ok game, although... Read All

No one really talks about Super Mario Land anymore but I really enjoyed playing this classic on my Gameboy. When my brother got a Gameboy the first two games we had were Tetris and Super Mario Land so I spent much time playing them both. I did find the graphics of Super Mario Land a bit less than what I enjoyed in Super Mario Brothers but really liked the levels and gameplay. This game was pretty hard for me as a kid and I never actually completed it like I did the other Mario games.

That said Super Mario Land and the other Gameboy titles are really impressive considering the Gameboy had a 4 mhz CPU, 8k of system RAM and an 8k graphics chip.

Uh hell yeah I would have. My parents? They'd take some convincing but eventually I was allowed to by The Legend of Zelda. The premise of RetroLiberty's convinced series is to see if you'd buy the game based on the box art and description yet The Legend of Zelda was featured in many issues of Nintendo Power, conversations with my friends and in store kiosks so I find this one hard to say for sure. Young me would have wanted this one due to the gold box art, art and dungeon screenshots but Zelda was so huge it's hard to say what I would have chose aside from all that.

What about you? Were you convinced?

This may very well be the craziest Hearthstone turn i've seen. Basically it features two Grim Patron decks with multiple cards working together. An armor smith card is granting the defender mad armor while the attacker drops two berserkers that gain attack for damage done to all characters. I've gone lethal on someone with about 18 damage dealt in one blow, but 32 for two berserkers is pretty neat.

Age of Empires II HD is getting a new expansion titled "The African Kings" adding a new civilization called The Malians. Age of Empires II was released in 1999 yet it is still going strong with the recent HD re-release, The Forgotten Kingdoms expansion and now the upcoming The African Kings. I look forward to more Age of Empires II as this RTS classic, in my opinion, will never go out of style.


Oh and Age of Mythology is also getting a new expansion called "Tale of the Dragon" that was also teased at E3. I am still waiting for iD to drop word of a original Doom map-pack but until then this will have to... Read All

This might be a day one purchase for me, if I had a PS4. Jonathan has mentioned it will come to PC but it seems it will be exclusive to the PS4 for a time. The Witness is a very beautiful game and I hope all the hard work has made it incredible. Are you interested to head into The Witness an explore an abandoned island?

"Hi everyone! We finally know the release date for The Witness: itā€™s 26th January 2016. Thatā€™s about four months from now, and it will be a very busy four months as we work hard to make the game the absolute best we can.

Weā€™ll be very happy to get the game out into the world, because weā€™ve been working on it a long time! We originally thought The Witness... Read All