Travis, WhiteboySlim and jdodson are back at it talking about what we've been playing, the upcoming games we are all planning on getting and then one of our favorite games Terraria. Terraria is a special game for Cheerful Ghost as we have been playing it for about 3 years and 5 group servers. We talk about our love for the game, the parts about it we love the most and our most recent server experiences. This may bring our total mentions for the game to damn near close to infinity.

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Look at Travis, "with arms wide open!" LOL
Undeeeeeearrr the sunliight!
I love that default video pic there. I just need a bigger beard.
I am currently playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Starbound is much better than when I first played it. That crystal boss was tough! Yes, the penguin is still there!
Games coming out in upcoming months I'll be playing: Fallout 4 and Starcraft II: LotV. I plan to start out with Fallout 4. Then I intend to play Starcraft II from the beginning and work my way towards the new expansion. Otherwise, I have no idea what else is coming out that I'd want to play
Years ago, I posted in a video games group on Facebook asking for suggestions on a game to play. Travis then told me about Terraria. After looking at the videos, I thought it didn't look too appealing, but once I jumped in, I was hooked! The updates keep us coming back, but there's so much greatness in the game. The game play, music, everything. What is there not to love about it? I haven't created everything in the game. I'm also not very creative with building, but it's cool to see what others come up with.
The Moon Lord was tough! I'm so glad Travis made that arena! I'm still not sure how I'll do that boss fight on my own. I imagine I'll copy over the arena Travis made. Duke is tough! I was so glad when I finally beat him. I was so intimidated by that boss! Fishing is cool! Yeah, those mine cart tracks were pretty much every where!
I usually progress through the different tiers of metal gear. However, on the new Expert Mode server, I got my first Ebonwood armor set and it looked awesome. Ultimately, I get Platinum, even if it didn't spawn in my world (I use silt and slush to get it if it's not there). Also, I pretty much almost always go with melee weapons.
I don't think I fought any of the Expert Mode bosses. So, I didn't get any of the special loot. Listening to you guys talk about Terraria is making me want to play again! I agree with us starting our new server on Expert Mode, especially since I haven't spent much time with it.
Yes, Travis gave me a copy and I greatly appreciate it! I bought a copy for my son recently. Honestly, it's because of Terraria that I got on here at Cheerful Ghost and "met" you awesome guys (I already knew Travis because we were college roommates)! I love this site!
I have the mobile version of Terraria, yes for my Kindle Fire HDX 8.9" tablet. It's good, but unfortunately the Kindle version is way behind every other version. I thought the touch controls were cool. I liked using my finger as a replacement for the mouse, but I thought it was harder to get used to switching the auto-cursor on and off on the PS3.
Soon, maybe we can talk about what's in store for Terraria's future.
Yes, Cheerful Ghost "drink and play!" I can get my favorite red wine, Riunite Lambrusco! =)
(This comment has been edited to fit the 3,000 character're welcome!)
For those concerned: everyone survived the fire, but my eyebrows look a little different now.
Great show, guys! Tim, I'm so glad you made the correction on Yogi vs Pooh. Jon, love the new digs (or at least the new office!). Travis, I'm convinced now that Hangouts has an arm fetish.
Oh, and Drink & Play?! Yes, yes, yes!!