I've known about this for a while. I've seen other trailers or teasers, but haven't posted anything yet. I'm not sure why, but now's a good time since there's a new trailer with an official release date. Peacemaker streams on HBOMax on 1/13. Peacemaker, played by John Cena, was a character in this year's Suicide Squad movie, which I enjoyed. He's an interesting character and I think this show is going to be interesting. There was a post-credits scene in SS that pointed to this, so this isn't much of a surprise. Well, apparently I don't have much to say about this. I'm interesting in watching it, what about you?

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I liked Suicide Squad, but I didn't really like the character of Peacemaker. I hope the show is good, but I'll be skipping this one.
If Peacemaker Dad starts chasing John Connor I’ll watch it. Otherwise skip.
Here's a pretty vulgar trailer with many "f bombs" https://youtu.be/TxQp10HrdQM
There's a neat new video for Peacemaker that sums up what happened in Suicide Squad. The article also has some interesting tidbits: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/john-cena-catches-you-up-on-peacemaker-ahead-of-his-hbo-max-series/1100-6499459/
Overall I think I like it. It is pretty vulgar. At times I like it or it doesn't bother me, but at other times it disgusts me. You could probably call this NSFW.