Greetings Terrarians! Terraria's State of the Game for August is up and it brings some great new about the "Labor of Love" update. First, what is it? Well, this came about when a few years ago Terraria won the "Labor of Love" award on Steam. This was a category in one of the "Game of the Year" polls they do. The "Labor of Love" category was for games that have been out for a while, but continue to receive new content. So, it was decided to give an update to version 1.4.4.
I know, right, we thought we saw the last content update for Terraria that gave us Journey mode. But we're always delightfully surprised (except with the cancellation of Terraria: Otherworld). So, when is this update coming? Well the date hasn't been announced yet, but that announcement is coming soon (and I wouldn't be surprised to see it in next month's SotG). The code is now "frozen," which means it will get no more additional content. It will get bug fixes and balance changes and such, of course. But the code has been released for the other developers (like for consoles). It is intended that this version will be released at the same time for all platforms.
So what's in this update? Well, for that I give to you ChippyGaming's video on "Everything New in Terraria 1.4.4" (embedded) and I strongly recommend you go watch it!
You can read the "State of the Game" for August here:
Let me know what you think of this! Are you ready to jump back into Terraria? I am! I haven't played since our server for Journey mode. I'd love to do that again! I've had the game installed, being aware of this update coming, so that I'll know right away when Steam downloads the update. Especially thanks to ChippyGaming's video, I think I'm going to dive right in ASAP!
I know, right, we thought we saw the last content update for Terraria that gave us Journey mode. But we're always delightfully surprised (except with the cancellation of Terraria: Otherworld). So, when is this update coming? Well the date hasn't been announced yet, but that announcement is coming soon (and I wouldn't be surprised to see it in next month's SotG). The code is now "frozen," which means it will get no more additional content. It will get bug fixes and balance changes and such, of course. But the code has been released for the other developers (like for consoles). It is intended that this version will be released at the same time for all platforms.
So what's in this update? Well, for that I give to you ChippyGaming's video on "Everything New in Terraria 1.4.4" (embedded) and I strongly recommend you go watch it!
You can read the "State of the Game" for August here:
Let me know what you think of this! Are you ready to jump back into Terraria? I am! I haven't played since our server for Journey mode. I'd love to do that again! I've had the game installed, being aware of this update coming, so that I'll know right away when Steam downloads the update. Especially thanks to ChippyGaming's video, I think I'm going to dive right in ASAP!

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Wow. Love that they keep updating this game. I bought it on sale for a few bucks and it’s been updated so much since then. ❤️
Yeah! Cheerful Ghost introduced me to it and I've been in love w/ it! I'm loving the new stuff and can't wait to experience it! 💙
Kinda wondering if they’ll come back with a 1.5 later too. It seems like they truly love it as much as we do, and don’t want to leave it.
>Kinda wondering if they’ll come back with a 1.5 later too. It seems like they truly love it as much as we do, and don’t want to leave it.
I doubt it probably just because we thought that they last major update (Journey Mode) would be the last. But, clearly it isn't. Is LoL the last? LOL!? I dunno, maybe no one knows (certainly Redigit know more than anyone). From what I've read or heard it seems like they've pretty much reached the limits of the engine. I think Terraria 2 would be the next step. This is all speculation of course and it's really a good idea to explore. I'm sure there are still lots of suggested/requested content, adding content that fans suggest/request is something they've done very well, though. What do you all think?
I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this update. Speculating again, but I'm going to make a prediction and say that we'll get this update next month or Oct., Nov. at the latest. I'm sure we'll have it before the year ends.
Kinda wondering if they’ll come back with a 1.5 later too. It seems like they truly love it as much as we do, and don’t want to leave it.
I mean... yeah? I hope so.
I wonder if we'll ever get a Terraria 2 knowing that we basically got one already with the updates? I think they could do a better Starbound (personally).
There's a new link in Steam I recommend you check out. Three spoiler videos are scheduled. The first is out now, while the other two will arrive on 9/20, and 9/22.
New spoiler, the "Rubblemaker:"
Ok well, I am in love with the Rubblemaker!
Are you following up with the graphic novels? I want to wait until they're all released and then decide which edition to get. I want the all-in-one. Here's a link to the announcement for the first, but the 2nd is available now.
Nah, one of the great things about terraria is it’s lack of story, I’m not super interested in the graphic novels.
That said. The stuff that comes with the higher editions looks great
The update is here and I feel like I need to watch a video covering what's included, because I'm overwhelmed with what I read. Here's the changelog:
It’s a hell of a changelog. The new liquid that I won’t spoil for anyone who wants to go in with a surprise is incredibly interesting
Are you talking about a paint/coating? I saw a video about it.
I haven't played since our last server and it was funny that I had to remember how to play again.
No it’s a new liquid like water, lava, and honey
Yeah I saw Chippy Gaming mention it's a spoiler, so I stopped watching his video. I haven't discovered it yet.
Chippy Gaming has a great video giving a good overview of all the hotfixes this update has gotten. I recommend checking it out here:
I haven't discovered Shimmer in my own game and don't know how. I haven't let myself become "spoiled" about it yet, waiting to discover it own. I've created multiple worlds and characters and have only once finished a Hell bridge before restarting.