So, not sure if you use the Tracker or not, but it's great for a UI and tracking your deck list. Tracking wins/losses with decks, and many little features (yogg or Cthun counters).
But now, look at this:
It can keep your matches AND it's not the normal game you'd view, it's a digital recreation. BUT IT LETS YOU SEE YOUR OPP!!!!
But now, look at this:
It can keep your matches AND it's not the normal game you'd view, it's a digital recreation. BUT IT LETS YOU SEE YOUR OPP!!!!

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Also, just noticed, you can rewatch games that you spectated.
Wow, this is really cool and the rewatching matches is incredible. I found that match a bit hard to follow at times but I figured it out as it went along.
When people bring out Lord Jaraxxus that's usually pretty hard to come back from but you tempo'd well.
Yeah, I need to look at my capabilities a little more, I could have saved that polymorph boar for my guy for an extra 4 damage... but then, I wanted that 6 butt to turn into 2 so it would absorb less from the flamewalker, so I think maybe I was still right. That equated to 4 dmg.
Also, if you go here:
You can then search for people. So like, Search Nardraug#1711
Shows all the matches that are recorded and how long they took and what turn they went to... pretty sweet stuff!
Today was a good day for packs!
I had a regular Rag and Alex prior to opening 50 packs...
So yeah, I opened 6 leggies out of 54 packs, Rag, golden Rag, Alex, golden Alex, Lord Jarax, and Prophet Velen... just wow
DAMN, that's quite the haul. Are you going to keep the goldens or dust them for whatever two Legendaries you want?
I was pretty happy when I finally opened my second shield slam and pyromancer in my latest brawl open
I recently crafted my first Rag, which is awesome I
Rag so much. But i've been on a Legendary drought recently.
I dusted the normals, those are 2 I'm REALLY happy to have in gold. I need Sylvannas gold next. I had about 6k dust after and could have got her... but crafting golds is ugggg. I've done Ysera and Confessor... so spendy.
I've got just about enough to do either golden N'Zoth or 2 golden Cabilist's Tomes. Hard decision... or use to make a golden leggie that you can't open (like the new one that summons a 1/1 of a guy from your deck)
Barnes? I really like that card but since I just got it today haven't played much with it.
It seems really cool in a Deathrattle deck. Pretty sure NZoth Pally will run it standard now.
Ya, exactly, any deathrattle deck loves Barnes (and yeah him). Recasting with Rogue tricks is fun, too. (either shadowcaster or pulling him back).
Trying the new Arcane Giant in my tempo mage deck and it's working pretty well so far
PS, I just survived 3 Yogg's being used against me. I dropped to 1 health and he had a couple mage secrets up, but one wasn't ice block.... insane game
Oh, and I HAD ice block, but he Flared off the Yogg LOL, so wow
I've been really enjoying a new Paladin deck that features the new Ivory Night and finally uses Anyfin(to date i've never found it working in a deck).
Oh, I used Anyfin pretty successfully a while back, was brutal One hit kill type thing. (just using the haste and buff murlocs) But now that "standard" is a thing, it banned out some of the needed ones.
Yeah, it has but one or two Anyfin's are really powerful. I had a crazy match with simply playing 2 blugills and 2 warleaders. Still refining the deck though but it's either won or only lost by a handful of HP on the opponents side.
Yogg-Saron!!! holy cow that RNG
Yeah Yogg is a heavy RNG card. One of the reasons I want to and don't want to craft it. Focusing more on the other legendary staples before I get Yogg. Not sure what to do next. Tyrion or maybe Cairne? I am leaning heavily to Tyrion as I like Paladin and Tyrion is OP as hell.
Tyrion is so good and not leaving standard as far as I know (assuming that core basis set always stays).
That's what they've said. Which is why I am now crafting all the neutral legendaries. I have nearly all the WoTG one's I really wanted and I am now crafting neutral ones because i'll be able to use them longer.
Ya I finally crafted Cairne myself. Frustrating tho, because I made a new account so I could get the shaman hero and I happened to get a Cairne on that account =\
I just went through and decrafted a ton of Wild cards. I kept ones I'd use if I ever played Wild, but I decrafted a bunch of legends, epics and gold epics, gold rares. There's a golden iron juggernaut I'm debating on, but I liked that card... 1600 dust tho gives me 2 gold rares or a gold epic, so tempting... My mage deck is almost all gold, just need 6 more golden epics =o
I am keeping all the wild cards. I think it's going to be a more compelling format as the game advances and might be really interesting someday. At least I think so. That said, pretty sure Maxxena won't ever be something I put in a deck but since it was one of the first legendaries I had and used a lot because of that, I have a hard time letting it go
So added streaming... guess I'll try that. my laptop has it built in, but for some reason it stopped connecting with nvidia.
Yeah I just saw that. It's Windows only right now AND it seems to stream direct to Facebook but it's interesting and something I want to try at least.