the most epic of role playing games.
many charactcers.
good music
many spells
hidden characters and a different ending sequence
an opera
a kung fu monk
airships mofo!!!
more can be said.
many charactcers.
good music
many spells
hidden characters and a different ending sequence
an opera
a kung fu monk
airships mofo!!!
more can be said.

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Final Fantasy 3 is a cool game. I believe the Kung Fu Monk was in FF2 though. Yang, I believe :)
you are correct. the kung fu dude was the exiled brother of figaro, sabin. He trained in the mountains and wore an earring and no shirt... the life! LOL
Sabin, right. I totally loved that his lightning attack was VERY similar to the haduken in Street Fighter.
Gotta <3 the Haduken:
Yep, FF3, mmm good times. Man I played this game for like close to 8 hours a day back in high school before I beat it.