Do you see that? That's a drill mount. This is the coolest thing I've seen so far coming up in 1.3
Recently the developers at Relogic have been dropping some hints at what we can expect from 1.3. Check out the full post here
Recently the developers at Relogic have been dropping some hints at what we can expect from 1.3. Check out the full post here

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Wow, that's great. I mean honest question and in no way to I want to imply I am not grateful but when will the updates stop? I mean, they gave the game so much more than 1.1, I mean except Minecraft I can't think of a game to get so many free updates.
Unless you count free-to-play MMOs and the like, I can't either. Criterion games did the closest I'd seen to this kind of free post-release support with Burnout Paradise.
Right, MMO's do keep the update flowing, forgotten those kinds of games.