This is the first one of these I'm writing while watching the conference. I don't know why I didn't think to do that earlier :D
Aisha Tyler is amazing. Ubisoft couldn't have found a better host. So far it's the only conference in which the f-bomb was dropped in the first five minutes.
Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Releasing in March 2017. This game looks absolutely beautiful. But I can't really comment much on whether it looks good because I've never played a Clancy game, but to my uneducated eyes it looks like a great addition. It looks highly strategic. It supports solo play or up to four-player co-op.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Get it? It sounds like "fractured butthole!" Hahahahahahahahaha poop humor. Trey Parker and Matt Stone took the stage to talk about the Stick of Truth sequel. Maybe it's just being over 30 but the humor is falling flat with me. There's a fart that can rip a hole in spacetime. Great. Combat looks kinda neat though. It's kind of a grid-based tactical RPG.
The Division
There are some new outfits coming from previous games.
The Survival DLC that's coming up looks pretty neat, putting you in dire weather conditions.
Eagle Flight
This VR game looks like tons of fun. It's all about bird fights. It's... hard to explain. Just check out the footage :D
Star Trek: Bridge Crew
A Star Trek VR game! You take the USS Aegis through the galaxy, doing what Star Trek ships do. Go where no one has gone before! Levar Burton took the stage to discuss the game with Aisha Tyler and it was a major nerdgasm. Again, Aisha Tyler is a total geek and the perfect host for an E3 conference, and this showed it again. This game really makes me want a VR headset, more than anything else I've seen.
For Honor
Coming February 14, 2017. Celebrate Valentines Day with viking fury! This game looks like tons of fun. It's a third-person action game, think God of War and Assassin's Creed. It looks like more than a button masher, with a necessity to use the right attacks at the right time. The environment is a major factor in combat; throwing people into and off of things is a great strategy in some areas. It looks like the right stick is used to set your stance.
Grow Up
Coming August PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Sequel to Grow Home. You play as BUD, a neat little robot, who's running and flying around the world using plants to get you to new places.
Trials of the Blood Dragon
Out now on PC, PS4, Xbox One. Two guys in really garish sweatsuits came out for this one. This trailer is the most 80s thing I've ever seen. Even more than Blood Dragon. This is exactly what it sounds like-- a Trials game in the Blood Dragon world. Sidescrolling racing mayhem!
Assassin's Creed movie
We got a lot of info about what went into making the movie, including some behind-the-scenes footage, and new clips from the movie that haven't been seen yet. It's a video game movie so I'm trying not to get excited, but I'm excited.
Watch Dogs 2
Coming November 2016 to PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Oh no, the presentation got hacked! This game looks gorgeous. Their version of San Francisco looks like a perfect game world, at least the parts they showed. This game has a lot to prove, since the first entry had a lukewarm reception. You can run into other players in-game and seamlessly go co-op. The mission they demoed looks absolutely amazing. If the whole game is similar, this will be a winner. Oh yay, more timed exclusives: Watch Dogs 2 DLC will be available a month earlier for PS4 players.
Coming December 2016. Snowboarding, base jumping, hang gliding, wingsuits, skiing, and more. Tons of extreme sports mostly set in the Alps. It looks mostly open-world, which is impressive for this kind of game. You can see other players in-game and challenge them to races, etc, in real time. You can set custom challenges based on any amazing tricks you've pulled off. I loved the Skate series, and this looks like an extension of that formula, applied to winter extreme sports. I'm *seriously* looking forward to this.
There are no wrap-ups yet because I wrote this real-time, but I'll add a good one later if you want more to read. :D
Aisha Tyler is amazing. Ubisoft couldn't have found a better host. So far it's the only conference in which the f-bomb was dropped in the first five minutes.
Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Releasing in March 2017. This game looks absolutely beautiful. But I can't really comment much on whether it looks good because I've never played a Clancy game, but to my uneducated eyes it looks like a great addition. It looks highly strategic. It supports solo play or up to four-player co-op.
South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Get it? It sounds like "fractured butthole!" Hahahahahahahahaha poop humor. Trey Parker and Matt Stone took the stage to talk about the Stick of Truth sequel. Maybe it's just being over 30 but the humor is falling flat with me. There's a fart that can rip a hole in spacetime. Great. Combat looks kinda neat though. It's kind of a grid-based tactical RPG.
The Division
There are some new outfits coming from previous games.
The Survival DLC that's coming up looks pretty neat, putting you in dire weather conditions.
Eagle Flight
This VR game looks like tons of fun. It's all about bird fights. It's... hard to explain. Just check out the footage :D
Star Trek: Bridge Crew
A Star Trek VR game! You take the USS Aegis through the galaxy, doing what Star Trek ships do. Go where no one has gone before! Levar Burton took the stage to discuss the game with Aisha Tyler and it was a major nerdgasm. Again, Aisha Tyler is a total geek and the perfect host for an E3 conference, and this showed it again. This game really makes me want a VR headset, more than anything else I've seen.
For Honor
Coming February 14, 2017. Celebrate Valentines Day with viking fury! This game looks like tons of fun. It's a third-person action game, think God of War and Assassin's Creed. It looks like more than a button masher, with a necessity to use the right attacks at the right time. The environment is a major factor in combat; throwing people into and off of things is a great strategy in some areas. It looks like the right stick is used to set your stance.
Grow Up
Coming August PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Sequel to Grow Home. You play as BUD, a neat little robot, who's running and flying around the world using plants to get you to new places.
Trials of the Blood Dragon
Out now on PC, PS4, Xbox One. Two guys in really garish sweatsuits came out for this one. This trailer is the most 80s thing I've ever seen. Even more than Blood Dragon. This is exactly what it sounds like-- a Trials game in the Blood Dragon world. Sidescrolling racing mayhem!
Assassin's Creed movie
We got a lot of info about what went into making the movie, including some behind-the-scenes footage, and new clips from the movie that haven't been seen yet. It's a video game movie so I'm trying not to get excited, but I'm excited.
Watch Dogs 2
Coming November 2016 to PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Oh no, the presentation got hacked! This game looks gorgeous. Their version of San Francisco looks like a perfect game world, at least the parts they showed. This game has a lot to prove, since the first entry had a lukewarm reception. You can run into other players in-game and seamlessly go co-op. The mission they demoed looks absolutely amazing. If the whole game is similar, this will be a winner. Oh yay, more timed exclusives: Watch Dogs 2 DLC will be available a month earlier for PS4 players.
Coming December 2016. Snowboarding, base jumping, hang gliding, wingsuits, skiing, and more. Tons of extreme sports mostly set in the Alps. It looks mostly open-world, which is impressive for this kind of game. You can see other players in-game and challenge them to races, etc, in real time. You can set custom challenges based on any amazing tricks you've pulled off. I loved the Skate series, and this looks like an extension of that formula, applied to winter extreme sports. I'm *seriously* looking forward to this.
There are no wrap-ups yet because I wrote this real-time, but I'll add a good one later if you want more to read. :D

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Steep does look amazing. Very reminiscent of Skate. For Honor still looking strong. New South Park looks hilarious, and fun to play. Star Trek: Bridge Crew might be a day one buy. VR adventures with your own crew in the Star Trek universe?! Yes, please! Cool that it's coming to all major VR platforms.
If I had a VR platform, I'd definitely agree.