This game keeps looking better. The end of next month can't come soon enough! I was a huge fan of the original trilogy and I'm stoked to get out into the new galaxy. The video above is the second in a series of Gameplay videos; this one shows off the character customization and it looks like a major extension to what we've had in the past.
A teaser at the end seems to indicate that the next video will be about planet exploration, one of my favorite and most frustrating parts about the series, so I'm hoping to see them really get it right with Andromeda.
The first one in the series is here, showing off weapons and skills:
In other news, the system requirements are up on Origin now:
Aaaaaand it's time for an upgrade. I'll have a new PC at my doorstep in a few days. This is the first game I've wanted to play that I don't think I can. My video card is more than enough but my AMD CPU is way behind. This PC has lasted me almost 5 years exactly, but I tend to get things that are already a generation or two behind to save money. This time I'm getting something more modern but not top-of-the-line. I'm going Intel over AMD because AMD tends to lag in some features. It has a new core i5 CPU (later upgradeable to an i7 if I need it but I won't for a long time, 16gb ram, a Geforce 1060 GPU, a 512gb solid state and a 1tb hard drive. No floppy drive :D
A teaser at the end seems to indicate that the next video will be about planet exploration, one of my favorite and most frustrating parts about the series, so I'm hoping to see them really get it right with Andromeda.
The first one in the series is here, showing off weapons and skills:
In other news, the system requirements are up on Origin now:
Aaaaaand it's time for an upgrade. I'll have a new PC at my doorstep in a few days. This is the first game I've wanted to play that I don't think I can. My video card is more than enough but my AMD CPU is way behind. This PC has lasted me almost 5 years exactly, but I tend to get things that are already a generation or two behind to save money. This time I'm getting something more modern but not top-of-the-line. I'm going Intel over AMD because AMD tends to lag in some features. It has a new core i5 CPU (later upgradeable to an i7 if I need it but I won't for a long time, 16gb ram, a Geforce 1060 GPU, a 512gb solid state and a 1tb hard drive. No floppy drive :D

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No floppy drive?
So you will have to get Mass Effect on Origin right? What do you think about that?
That gameplay looks incredible! I haven't played a Mass Effect before though. I got 2 free on Origin but this series has been on my wall of shame for quite some time.
I played Mass Effect 2 and 3 on Origin because the DLC was weird for 2 on Steam (I can't remember the details here), and 3 isn't even on Steam so Origin was the only option. So I'm not going into it for the first time, I've used it for other games.
As for what I think about it? I wish they still released their games on more platforms than their own, I tend to favor customer choice. But I totally get why they don't. Getting their games into their own system means they don't pay the Steam tax. But since I've used Origin a couple times in the past, I'm less upset. Honestly, it's a decent system. It lets me download and play games and I had no trouble doing so. I think they went from being a mess to being stable and dependable faster than Steam did, but they also got a chance to learn from Steam's mistakes.
So I guess I'm mostly neutral, but having everything under one umbrella would be more convenient.
I've noticed the development of this game in the news stories I read every day. I haven't read anything about it, but I have at least one friend that's eagerly awaiting for it's release. As for me, I only own ME2 because it was free on Origin. However, I'm planning to change that, possibly soon. I'm planning on buying the ME trilogy (and possibly this new game). I'm hoping to catch a season sale on Origin, since the third game isn't even on Steam. I had a demo of ME and tried to play it, but it couldn't connect to the EA servers. I found out that the servers that the demo would normally connect to are no longer running.
> " I have at least one friend that's eagerly awaiting for it's release"
If that isn't me that you're talking about, then you have at least two friends eagerly awaiting its release :D
Yeah that isn't you, not that you're not a friend. :) I should have stated one of my more local friends. He's another friend who's suggested I play the ME games.
Haha, I know I was just joking. You really should. It's an RPG in space! :D
You played one of the Dragon Age games, right? It's the same developers, and same basic systems at a very simple level, but obviously... space!
Seriously, it edges right up against Bethesda games for my favorite series. It might be the top, but I can't decide that.
Wow, that great!? It may have slipped my radar, like everything else. Then there's the whole, oh look another shooter game, but I did see it classified as an RPG. So a shooter-RPG, then I guess, right? "RPG in space does sound found." You know that it was FFVIII that got me hooked into RPGs, especially the Final Fantasy series. Later, I got into Pokemon, then the Elder Scrolls series.
I'm already playing a shooter-RPG, Borderlands 2. It's pretty cool though and I imagine ME probably is as well. I'll check it out.
I haven't finished DA:O. I have the Ultimate Edition on the PS3, but didn't play it much. Then, it came free with Origin w/out DLC. I recently bought the DA series, though. I got DA:O Ultimate Edition and DA2 on Steam. I got DA:I and all DLC on Origin. I'm planning to play those after Borderlands the Pre-Sequel.
Here's some news I found about the day 1 patch and file size:
Man, games keep getting bigger!
And yeah, it's a shooter-RPG but you have some "magic" abilities through the use of biotics. It's more shooter than the Fallout games (since VATS kinda negates the need for most FPS mechanics).
> As for what I think about it? I wish they still released their games on more platforms than their own, I tend to favor customer choice. But I totally get why they don't. Getting their games into their own system means they don't pay the Steam tax. But since I've used Origin a couple times in the past, I'm less upset. Honestly, it's a decent system.
I agree, Origin is a really good system. I'd maybe even buy games on it but I don't know of any must play(for me) EA games. I've received quite a few free games from them though and don't mind going that route until something moves me to get it. Not sure what that would be but it's possible.
> It lets me download and play games and I had no trouble doing so. I think they went from being a mess to being stable and dependable faster than Steam did, but they also got a chance to learn from Steam's mistakes.
Launching a new digital PC game service now, in many ways, is easier than doing it back when Valve did. Plus Valve worked out lots of the kinks and paved the way so other companies can start now and many of the "right choices" are known so it's easier to begin and differentiate.
Yeah, Valve was the brave plucky band of heroes that put in the work to make it viable. Remember how much people used to hate Steam? Now I can't imagine not having it. It's far from perfect but I depend on it now. I should probably diversify more, honestly, but I prefer having everything under one roof.
> Remember how much people used to hate Steam?
Yeah, I was a big hater for a while. With limited Internet Access the idea of Steam wasn't something I liked. When I had fast Internet and such, it was a much easier prospect.
I like having things in one place too, but I do like spreading things out as well. I like that I have DRM free games on GOG and Humble and then games on Steam too. The other stores are fine, I just wonder when we will reach "peak game store" mode and then stop getting more? Never?
Andromeda is now sitting in my Origin library, taunting me for 18 days.
Does Origin allow pre-loading?
Yep, pre-load is four days before launch. I love that pre-loading is a thing.