I'm not quite sure what I'm doing yet, so I'm starting with a micro-review of Skyrim. To put it simply, this game blows me away. I'm over 125 hours into my second playthrough, and I can see myself playing this again and again. Bethesda games are buggy as hell, always have been, but the bugs are so easy to overlook when the world is so vibrant and the storyline(s) you make for your character are so compelling.

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I am looking forward to playing Skyrim too. Waiting till they cleanup the game breaking PS3 bugs first though. Heard it would be this month so heres to hoping.
If they can't fix the PS3 issues I might check it out on Steam.
Yeah it's supposed to be as early as next week for a patch release, then who knows how long for Sony to accept it.
Cool. Looking forward to seeing what people say.
If you're interested, here's the news from Bethesda on it: