Recently Beamdog announced that they are going to release Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition with some new features such as:
* Improved Display: Your portrait, combat bar, inventory, and other UI elements adjust in size based on your chosen...

Experience one of the most popular role-playing adventures of our time, a journey that has thrilled millions. Inhabit dreamlike worlds of myth and mystery. Boundless lands of deadly creatures, foreboding omens and bold heroism.
This game puts you at the center of an epic tale of faith, war and betrayal, all the while staying true to the pen-and-paper role-playing tradition.
Neverwinter Nights - A world without limits!
I never personally played this, but I had a friend who did so I saw it a lot. This is a significant upgrade, wow!
And backwards compatibility with save files is half-expected, but mods... dang. That's incredible.
Yeah I don't think they could get away with breaking compatibility with all the mods and stuff the community made. That would be a non-starter for it's biggest fans.