Twelve short months ago, I began playing Planescape: Torment in an effort to motivate my writing and completion of stockpiled games on my Backlog Killer blog. ( I chose it as my first game because friends, Watch Out for Fireballs, were playing it for one of their episodes and I wanted a little support for finishing such a long game. Even though I had finished it when I was in high school, I wanted to complete it again to see if anything about the game had changed for me. Boy, was I in for a surprise.
Planescape: Torment is an isometric RPG using the Infinity Engine of Baldur's Gate fame. It is based on the Dungeons and Dragons Planescape universe...
Planescape: Torment is an isometric RPG using the Infinity Engine of Baldur's Gate fame. It is based on the Dungeons and Dragons Planescape universe...

It sounds like I need your site. I have a backlog a mile long.
Awesome, from your write up this game sounds great. The only BioWare RPG I have played thus far was Neverwinter Nights and it had some of what you mention.
I am wondering though, recently Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition was released and I wanted to play that. That said, if you had to direct someone to start would you say Baldurs or Planescape? I want to start one of them and go through it, wondering which one you suggest?
It really comes down to what you want out of the game more: combat or story. The story in the Baldur's Gate series is pretty good and typical fantasy fair, but the combat is a very well balanced and fun part of the game. On the other hand, Torment is almost all story and hardly about combat at all. In fact, the combat in the game is pretty much trash and could have been tossed out completely. I speculate in my review that the team may have been forced to put combat in, even if they originally didn't plan to, because it came out after Baldur's Gate and is an Infinity Engine game. It can get a little annoying in my opinion.
So, your options are pretty much as follows:
Story-- Planescape: Torment
Mix of Story/Combat: Baldur's Gate
Or, if you want full combat with almost no story: Icewind Dale (which I love)
*fantasy fare -- The editor
Thanks Will, that helps. Still mulling it over. Let you know how it turns out.
Just read this today:
See my tweets for my response. I think Will is underselling how much better Torment is in terms of writing and story. Baldur's Gate has a good story and great mechanics. Torment is probably in the top 3 best written games ever and has a setting that is bursting with imagination and character. They're both mandatory at some point, but your individual tastes can determine which one comes first.
Makes sense, I am thinking Torment due to the focus on story.
Thanks guys!
I very well may be. As for writing, I can't think of many other games that do have as competent and impactful writing. Actually, what suggestions would you have on that front, Gary?
For me the game that stuck with me the most is Link's Awakening. I played it again a few years ago and none of its impact was lost on me.
I love Link's Awakening but not for the writing. I think the writing in most of the Zelda/Mario games is more or less almost non existent. Note, it still has a very enchanting story but it's not one presented through writing.
Off the top of my head: The Walking Dead, Alpha Protocol, Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas and Dear Esther (though it's barely a game).
It's hard not to confuse world building with writing. Is something like Dishonored well written? Well, yeah, but most of the good will I'm feeling towards the writing is actually the mythology/world building aspect.
Good point about LA. I sort of hitch onto it for the feelings I get when certain things happen. I think they handle simple scenes like Link an Marin sitting and talking well. They cover the concept of loneliness and the loss well. I think in the end the simplicity of the storytelling and its notion of things not being what they seem.
I love that game.
Oh, it's great. The only flaw I find in it is that it's easy to not know what to do next. I would like a little more direction. Other than that, it's my 2nd favorite Zelda game (after A Link to the Past).
I agree, I couldn't remember how to get into the Catfish's Maw so I needed guide help.