As far as the continuing story it seems that Blizzard is setting up a showdown with the newest evil Protoss on the block, the Tal'darim and the...

The reign of Emperor Valerian Mengsk is under threat. Along with facing political opposition, several Dominion ghosts have gone missing in action while under his rule. Their trail leads to a secretive Terran group, the Defenders of Man. As Nova Terra, a psionic ghost trained to be the perfect covert operative, you must delve into the conspiracy before it’s too late for the Terran Dominion.
Sweet, thanks for the update. I haven't played any of the currently released Nova mission packs. I guess I decided to wait for them all to be released, but I did pre-order them.
From what little news I saw from BlizzCon, it seems as though they may still have more in store for SC2.