Card Hunter reminds me of a digital version of the old adventure board game classic Hero Quest. Hero Quest is an amazing board game I played in High School that...

Welcome, bold adventurer! Card Hunter is an online collectible card game which blends together card play, deck building, tactical combat and classic fantasy role-playing in a way you’ve never seen before. Grab your cards, miniatures, dice and snacks, then journey to a new world of adventure on the tabletop of your Game Master, Gary.
After you had reminded me of Card Hunter, I jumped back in to see what the updated game looked like (I haven't really played it since the beta), and found it to be a much more polished experience. I haven't dropped any money on the DLC, but the Acquisitions Inc. content looks really cool :).
> I haven't dropped any money on the DLC, but the Acquisitions Inc. content looks really cool :).
I haven't seen a reason to drop money on anything so far, but there might be a more compelling reason later on. Access to more classes might be neat.