Will_Ball gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Will_Ball gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
I have toyed with the idea of sitting down with the Ultima games for some time now. I finally took the plunge with Ultima I.
Ultima I is a role playing game that was released in 1981 for the Apple ][. In 1987 Origin ported it over to the PC and DOS. This version came with enhanced graphics, more town and city variations, monsters traveling on the map, and some money enhancements. It is the 1987 version that I ended up playing.
You play the hero, who is given the quest of destroying Mondain, an evil wizard that has released monsters on Sosaria. This hero is customized at the beginning of the game. First you have to choose a race. The races consist of Human, Elf, Dwarf...
Ultima I is a role playing game that was released in 1981 for the Apple ][. In 1987 Origin ported it over to the PC and DOS. This version came with enhanced graphics, more town and city variations, monsters traveling on the map, and some money enhancements. It is the 1987 version that I ended up playing.
You play the hero, who is given the quest of destroying Mondain, an evil wizard that has released monsters on Sosaria. This hero is customized at the beginning of the game. First you have to choose a race. The races consist of Human, Elf, Dwarf...

Looks like there is an original Ultima pack on GOG of the first three. Is this what you played?
Love the graphics of the game. Because it started on the Apple II the graphics remind me a bit of Oregon Trail.
That is exactly what I played.
Cool. Euclid bless GOG and the great work they do to bring this stuff back.
I already have all the games on CD somewhere, that I got with Ultima 9. But I was able to get Ultima 1 - 9 on GOG for a total of $8 the other day, so I went with the lazy method. :)
Sounds like a good way to play it. Funny thing is installing games on CD is SLOWER than downloading it now with faster internet.
I am definitely jealous Jon.
A 52x CD-ROM drive transfers at 7.8 MegaBYTES per second, which translates to 62.4 megaBITS per second. My recently upgraded 25 megabit internet and I could install a game (at optimal speed) two and a half times faster from disc than I could download it.
If it's from a DVD, and you have a 16x DVD ROM, that cuts the disc read time roughly in half, so (again at optimal speeds) you'd need around 120megabit internet to match it.
Now, 60ishMb and 120Mb internet is definitely available here, I just don't want to pay the insane prices Shentel wants.
*Shakes fist at markets with competition and cheap internet*
So I don't have anything that fast at all.
That said.
If you have a game on DVD and a game on Steam try installing them both sometime and see which is faster. To my eye, the Steam game is a faster install for a couple reasons. Firstly the raw install speed on a DVD doesn't always translate to actually being that fast IRL. I think a couple things contribute to it, but one is that for certain games they were encrypted on the disc and need to be decrypted on install. Half-life 2 comes to mind that does that, that install is CRAZY SLOW. If the game spans multiple CD's the spin up, down effects things too. I also think at times there is an unpack that games need to do to uncompress the assets. That can take ALONG TIME.
Steam, to my understanding, simply installs the flat files and then any kind of runtime the game needs. No uncompression, DRM is usually an auth server thing so the install is actually quicker than from media. This is all from eyeball tests, I haven't run anything conclusive.
There are some games that are stupid slow from disc. I bought DOOM 2016 on disc just to have something on my shelf and I’m pretty sure I would have been better off just downloading all of it instead of using the portion from the disc.
I have 120 Mbps download speeds. So it is stupid fast for me.