It looks as though the Mortal Kombat movie is getting a reboot and there's a new trailer for it. It looks better than the movie we got in 1995, but seeing as how that was nearly 20 years ago, that shouldn't be a surprise. I enjoyed that one (that theme song was awesome, I thought) and the follow up Annihilation we got two years later, but they were pretty "campy" (I guess that's the right term for it).

You may also be interested in seeing the reaction from New Rockstars:

Check it out and let me know what you think. Seeing this makes me want to play the games more, but I also remember how much they've kicked my ass. To me, MK is definitely a... Read All

I really enjoy Cygnus Destroyers Innocent Until Proven Guilty series and he has recently updated the format to include reviews of video game films. The first video game films he reviewed is Mortal Kombat Annihilation and you need to watch it to see if it's found guilty of being.... ok, like who am I kidding the movie is terrible and he finds it guilty. I wonder if he will review a terribly panned video game movie and give it the not guilty verdict? Who knows, but I do know that I like that he is reviewing video game movies... now if he can get around to reviewing the Street Fighter movie?