HeroQuest is an adventure board game created by Milton Bradley in conjunction with the British company Games Workshop.
jdodson gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
jdodson gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
My favorite board game of all time is DOOM: The Board Game by Kevin Wilson. In Wilson's DOOM the goal is to escape each level and engage the Demons in so much as you need to to escape to survive. Sometimes you should stand and fight and sometimes you should run quickly to the next room. It's a difficult game and exploration is available, but not quite encouraged as the game will kill you if you linger too long. Like many modern dungeon crawling board games it has a fair amount of rules and it can take quite a while to complete a mission. According to Boardgamegeek each mission of DOOM can last upwards of 180 minutes making it an epic game that requires a time...

Hero Quest is an epic adventure board game many geeks played in the late 80's that was published by Milton Bradley. As such it was widely available until it wasn't and then was only available to play if your friend still had it or you could find it used. I've been on the lookout for Hero Quest each time I enter a thrift store but have never yet found a copy. You can find the old Hero Quest used on Ebay or Amazon in upwards of $400 and always felt that was a bit too much. It seems all of that searching has come to an end because Hasboro Pulse has just released a crowdfunding campaign for Hero Quest that looks to bring back the original game and each expansion with a...

This sounds cool! It sounds like D&D (BTW new movie trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiMinixSXII&t=1s), which I've played a few times. I also did a LARP in college for Vampire: The Masquerade.
I remember you mentioning DOOM, which was news to me. I had board games, but nothing like these.
Thanks for sharing!
Hero Quest has been SO MUCH FUN. I'm really enjoying the time we get together to play and always want to be irresponsible and "play one more quest tonight" lol. I've been playing D&D with some friends from work, and we're having a blast, but it took 2 get togethers before we really even started playing that. Hero Quest is easy enough to pick up and run through right away (although I'm still learning exactly how to run the traps lol)
I highly recommend checking out Hero Quest if you ever get the chance!
Anyone see the new trailer for the new D&D movie? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiMinixSXII I'm interested. I enjoyed the first movie.
Greg: No. I think I’ll wait until it’s reviewed. I have pretty low expectations for it
I liked the trailer. I don't know how many times I've watched the first movie, I'd be happy to watch it again.