The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
by Nintendo
Developed by Nintendo
Seems like I'm posting a few Digital Foundry videos this morning. With that, has anyone picked up and played Skyward Sword on Switch yet? I've heard the controls are a mixed bag but overall the game is quite good. I didn't get this game on the Wii but am curious if it's worth coming back to on Switch?

During the Nintendo Direct today there was much in the way of interesting news from Nintendo and one such piece was that Skyward Sword was getting a re-release on Switch coming July 16th. Looks like Nintendo is honoring the legacy motion controls in Switch form but also creating a button only control scheme that many players have been asking for.
"Take to the skies, draw your sword, and experience the earliest story in the Legend of Zelda series. Join Link in his high-flying quest to save Zelda, a childhood friend who must confront her destiny. Soar between floating islands and descend to the treacherous surface world in this updated HD version of the Legend of Zelda:...
"Take to the skies, draw your sword, and experience the earliest story in the Legend of Zelda series. Join Link in his high-flying quest to save Zelda, a childhood friend who must confront her destiny. Soar between floating islands and descend to the treacherous surface world in this updated HD version of the Legend of Zelda:...

The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword is an artistically beautiful Wii game with an interesting history. Wii owners were lucky enough to get two Zelda titles on the system with Twilight Princess and the follow up, Skyward Sword. One could argue that there wouldn't have been a Breath of the Wild if Skyward Sword hadn't received certain negative attention but sometimes you need to experience a low before you can get to better place. Or at least, the perception of it not being a great game exists in gaming paradoxically along side the Metacritic scores for Skyward Sword being really high. Still it's not a Zelda game i've played before and I do plan on picking it up to play...

So, I haven't watched the video, but I thought I'd add my two cents in, since you kind of asked for it. I had the game for the Wii and really enjoyed it. I remember the last time I played it, though it was probably 5 or more years ago and was the second time I played it.
My only concern is that I have no idea how you're supposed to play it without the Wii controller, because it relied on that heavily and IMO it worked out well. Clearly they must have found some way around this, though. This may have been pointed out in the video.
I'm surprised that of all people you, Jon, haven't played this. Well, you said you didn't get it on the Wii, but you didn't say you didn't get it on the Wii U, so I could be wrong that you "haven't played this." I don't think I got it for the Wii U, but I could again be wrong, but I definitely had it for the Wii.
> I'm surprised that of all people you, Jon, haven't played this.
It came out at the end of the Wii cycle and I was very focused on the PlayStation 3. Kind of like now. I was pretty focused on the Switch and now Iâm mostly playing my Series X.
Ah, I understand, I've gone through similar phases. I'm currently strictly focused on the PC and have been for a while. I'm interested in the Switch, but don't have one at the moment. I'm only slightly interested in the new console generation, but not very. When it comes to them, I'm more interested in when their exclusives will come to PC, if at all.
Anyway, This is a good game and I'm sure they did a good job adapting the controls.
> Anyway, This is a good game and I'm sure they did a good job adapting the controls.
I've heard mixed things about it. Apparently it's possible to control the game with a normal controller but very difficult. You have to still be precise with the sword swinging which isn't the easiest on a thumbstick.
Ah yeah, the motion controls were a big part of it, that's why I was concerned. It was really fun on the Wii.