After seeing some really cool 8 bit bead creations at a the Portland Retro Game Expo this summer, I decided the world needed a Cheerful Ghost. Spending a bit of time on it here and there I created a process to build the Ghost magnets and I think they turned out pretty well. Right now I am testing my latest magnet adhesive strategy on my fridge and these particular prototype revisions are holding up well.
Stay tuned over the next month for information on how you can put one of these awesome Ghosts on your fridge!
Stay tuned over the next month for information on how you can put one of these awesome Ghosts on your fridge!

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Do want! I needs me some CG swag. :)
I am working out how to get them out to people. As it turns out more are being made tonight!
Imma need to get me one of these. I just recently got a binding of Isaac one and a Dante one. I don't know why, but I love these things.
Good idea.