In this latest Terraria Talk video they are given an exclusive screenshot of the new content coming in Terraria 1.2. What it includes:
Really looking for this update to drop. Right now there is no ETA on release but when I hear something you will be the first to know about it.
- Sandstone bricks, backdrop and furniture.
- Cannons
- PvP
- Jungle Trees can be harvested for Mahogany wood
- New banner designs
- New armor and vanity sets including an Eskimo Suit
- Cactus building sets w tables and chairs
- Steampunk armor/vanity set
- More I may have missed
Really looking for this update to drop. Right now there is no ETA on release but when I hear something you will be the first to know about it.

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So, next Terraria server.
We need to make theme towns spread all throughout the world. Sandstone houses in the desert, wood houses in the forest, igloos in the snow (which may require making worlds until you find one with snow).
Not all worlds contain snow? If not I guess I got lucky because... I think mine all have?
Nope, they don't. My first one didn't, and I didn't *think* our first CG world had it, though I wouldn't guarantee it.
Interesting. Great to know.