After Microsoft's XBox One reveal, it seems Sony is pushing the Playstation 4 efforts in a very different direction. Sony released a interview with indie developer Jonathan Blow(of the Braid fame) about his new game that will debut on the Playstation 4 called The Witness. Instead of focusing on TV, movies and sports, Sony seems to be focusing on games and indie developers.
Still unsure if I will pickup a Playstation 4, but so far Sony is pushing this a bit closer to my style.
In the video Jonathan talks about being an indie developer and that he can pick what games he wants to create. He talks a bit about The Witness and there is some video showing it off. Whenever I see the game I can help but think of Myst.
Still unsure if I will pickup a Playstation 4, but so far Sony is pushing this a bit closer to my style.
In the video Jonathan talks about being an indie developer and that he can pick what games he wants to create. He talks a bit about The Witness and there is some video showing it off. Whenever I see the game I can help but think of Myst.

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I agree with that feeling of Myst nostalgia. Really looking forward to this game. To be honest, I haven't been super thrilled with even the idea of any of the console systems coming out, but I do find myself here and there fantasizing about the possibilities of the Ps4. Granted, we don't know much about what will be in front of us this Fall. I think it's an element of hope that I can still cling to with Sony. Something like that.
I agree. At least out of the remaining consoles, Sony is the most interesting to me too. Until more comes out about the Steambox whenever that ships.