This Starcrafts video was released in tandem with the recent Starcraft II spawn support.
Also wanted to let you know that Tomorrow a few Cheerful Ghoster's and I are playing Starcraft II and if you want to join us feel free. You don't need to buy the game as you can download the Starter Edition and play with us that way.
Also wanted to let you know that Tomorrow a few Cheerful Ghoster's and I are playing Starcraft II and if you want to join us feel free. You don't need to buy the game as you can download the Starter Edition and play with us that way.

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Did you see that you can get a star crafts logo for your avatar picture in the actual game?
Yep. If you play with someone that has the Starter Edition :)
OK maybe I wasn't watching the right ones. This one cracked me up. The Protoss at the end. OMG.
Going to have to give these another shot.