RollerCoaster Tycoon was released about 14 years ago but it still lives strong on my modern gaming computer. My wife bought the game and both the expansion packs at a garage sale for me many years ago on a lark. She generally doesn't do that so it was a nice surprise. At first I set aside the game because it looked like a game for pre-school kids. After a few months of it kicking around the house I decided to install it and was immediately hooked on it.
RollerCoaster Tycoon takes the Sim concept and mixes it with the awesome mechanism of running a theme park. The game consists of scenarios, each you must complete to unlock the next. I believe on of the latter Tycoon expansions opens up a "open sandbox mode" but the main game focuses on completing scenario objectives. Many of them start you with some kind of park and require you to build it up to a certain point. Others focus on your "fixing" something wrong with the park but they all seem to need you to get to a certain park rating with a certain number of guests in attendance.
I pull the game out every so often and play a scenario and always have a good time. The game is quite old but still runs on Windows 7. I don't look forward to the day when the game isn't playable on Modern Windows but until then, it works just fine.
Some news surfaced recently about the game getting a modern port to phones and I am pretty excited about that. Hopefully with its renewed interest it may get the PC HD treatment for a release on Steam with all the bells and whistles.
The screen shot above is of a recent replay of the first scenario Forest Frontiers.
RollerCoaster Tycoon takes the Sim concept and mixes it with the awesome mechanism of running a theme park. The game consists of scenarios, each you must complete to unlock the next. I believe on of the latter Tycoon expansions opens up a "open sandbox mode" but the main game focuses on completing scenario objectives. Many of them start you with some kind of park and require you to build it up to a certain point. Others focus on your "fixing" something wrong with the park but they all seem to need you to get to a certain park rating with a certain number of guests in attendance.
I pull the game out every so often and play a scenario and always have a good time. The game is quite old but still runs on Windows 7. I don't look forward to the day when the game isn't playable on Modern Windows but until then, it works just fine.
Some news surfaced recently about the game getting a modern port to phones and I am pretty excited about that. Hopefully with its renewed interest it may get the PC HD treatment for a release on Steam with all the bells and whistles.
The screen shot above is of a recent replay of the first scenario Forest Frontiers.

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Man I was playing that last night. One of my favorite parts of it is that it's a game you can focus completely on or do other things at the same time. Most of the time when I have it running, it's on the left half of the monitor with Netflix on the right. This needs an HD reboot.
Thats a cool way to play it, I should remember that when I am watching a movie.
HD Reboot +1
I just got done playing this haha. But I was looking through the android store for games to put on my tablet and noticed that there is an openttd port on the android market. I played it for a bit and once you get used to it, it is actually very easy to play and has all the capabilities of the pc version. I figure if they do the same thing for roller coaster tycoon, it will be just as easy, if not easier, as the openttd mobile version.
I also vote for HD version.