Some people actually created a Super Mario Brothers with portals game. Looks pretty awesome.
Can download it for Windows, Mac and Linux.
From the site:
"Two genre defining games from completely different eras: Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Valve's Portal. These two games managed to give Platformers and First-Person Puzzle Games a solid place in the video game world. But what if Nintendo teamed up with Valve and recreated the famous Mario game with Portal gun mechanics?"
Can download it for Windows, Mac and Linux.
From the site:
"Two genre defining games from completely different eras: Nintendo's Super Mario Bros. and Valve's Portal. These two games managed to give Platformers and First-Person Puzzle Games a solid place in the video game world. But what if Nintendo teamed up with Valve and recreated the famous Mario game with Portal gun mechanics?"

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Played for 5 min. last night. Couldn't imaging running the whole game with that control scheme. Very interesting though.