"Unreal Tournament 1999, original intended to be nothing more than an expansion pack for the original Unreal which would simply be called "The bot pack", turned out to be one of the most influential multiplayer shooters of all time. Toppling the giant powerhouse that was ID software in both technology and gameplay and modding capabilities of ID's engines. "
Unreal Tournament still holds up today as a great competitive FPS. I hope Epic decides to give some more attention to the franchise as UT3 was fantastic and id love a more modern take on this franchise.
Unreal Tournament still holds up today as a great competitive FPS. I hope Epic decides to give some more attention to the franchise as UT3 was fantastic and id love a more modern take on this franchise.

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UT3 was good, but UT2k4 is still the pinnacle of that series, IMHO.
I agree 2k4 was amazing.
That being said, if we can get Epic (or whomever is responsible for it these days) to get their existing Linux ports into Steam, we'd have to get an event together.
Absolutely. Installing UT2k4 on Linux isn't too hard. Once you have it setup, if the key is legit you can play online with people. I have the binaries from back in the day but I am not certain where you pick them up online these days.
I still have an ISO backup of my original disk from back in the day. I can play it in Linux just not via Steam. If we can get enough (8-10 people), I'd be down to play non-Steam, though.
Steam just installs the game for people, but the servers are not hosted on Steam and you don't need Steam to play a multi-player game.
You will need the Linux binary patch though and I think all the Community Bonus Pack stuff is available as a tarball or zip.
I know I can. I just like having Steam organize them all for me. I have the CBP zip backed up somewhere for easy reinstallation, too.
I do too. Less stuff to manage. Which is odd for me to say because I was the most hardcore opponent of Steam just a few years ago. The thought of buying a game without a disc was tantamount to insanity.
Then The Humble Bundle dropped and I got some Steam Keys....
That's how I got hooked, too and now with the onset of Steam for Linux, I'm hooked.
It's a very convenient thing. And all told , well worth the trade. Then again I put in my ol' Half-life key and it was redeemed on Steam so yay! :D