Last year Epic announced it was creating a new Unreal Tournament game and they were going to be doing things a bit different. Instead of creating a retail copy like in past iterations, the new Unreal Tournament would be released for free and developed in the open with the community. Recently at GDC they showed off a build of Unreal Tournament running on SteamOS/Linux and after seeing how well it was running in 4K I decided to see how well it would run on my PC.
Come to find out, you can download and install the latest pre-alpha build of Unreal Tournament on Mac and Windows right now by heading over to the site and registering. Sign up is simple and one thing you will... Read All
Last year Epic announced it was creating a new Unreal Tournament game and they were going to be doing things a bit different. Instead of creating a retail copy like in past iterations, the new Unreal Tournament would be released for free and developed in the open with the community. Recently at GDC they showed off a build of Unreal Tournament running on SteamOS/Linux and after seeing how well it was running in 4K I decided to see how well it would run on my PC.
Come to find out, you can download and install the latest pre-alpha build of Unreal Tournament on Mac and Windows right now by heading over to the site and registering. Sign up is simple and one thing you will notice after you download the app is that Epic is building a games launcher similar to Steam or The launcher comes with the things you normally have like a friends list, list of games and news feed. The launcher worked well for me but seemed like it was missing some polish that other launchers have. I add the Epic Games Launcher to the list of game store/launchers I have beyond Steam,, Uplay, Origin and now Epic.
The game ran pretty poorly on my Mac even at 720p. It ran at pretty low settings and it still wasn't great so I didn't spend much time playing the game there. I imagine they are nearly 100% focused on the Windows/PC market and as the game marches out of Alpha things on the Mac should get better.
After installing it on my PC the game ran like a dream. The game runs with a very high frame rate and was buttery smooth at 1080p. I maxed out the resolution on my monitor(2560x1600) and lost some frames but everything still looked good. The game started suffering when I increased my settings but I can always drop resolution to adjust.
The game feels like a refresh to the old Unreal Tournament we all love. Focusing on Deathmatch and Capture the Flag is essential for any Unreal Tournament game and those modes are done well. They are somewhat light on modifiers compared to the old games but those should come with time. The games art is also fairly light at the moment and lacks the rich textures of UT2004 and UTBlack but even with more simplified graphics, the game looks great.
I played a few bot & online matches and had fun. When I was playing there were 400 others playing too so it's a pretty active game for early alpha. I also got my ass handed to me so if you are looking for the challenge of the old Unreal Tournament this game has it.
Epic is a company like any other so one thing I was wondering about was how they are going to make money from the game releasing it for free. They have said they won't do micro transactions or the like so unless this game is charitable, some kind of money making plan is in order. In the Epic Games Launcher they have an Unreal market where players can create all manner of helmets & skins to sell. Epic takes a cut of the sale and this is how they plan to fund the game. It's a pretty solid model that works well for Valve & Blizzard and I hope Epic can make the game work with it.
If you are looking to test out the new Unreal Tournament early alpha you can head over to the site, register and download the launcher. As the game continues to advance I'll keep you all posted. I am happy to see Epic come back and give Unreal Tournament some love and hope this version lives up to the legacy of it's past.
I didn't realize it was out either, and I was coming to post this myself earlier. I'm in the process of downloading it to Mac and PC as we speak. My Mac technically meets the system requirements but I bet the Intel graphics are going to make it unplayable. I'm going to try it, at least! Borderlands 2 does well, as do some other new games, so why not?
omg. UT is the best LAN party game ever. many hour of CtF and of course CAR BALL! (google it if you must) this looks amazing. not sure if my comp is up to the task. but imma try anyways. good find!
Your computer is up to the task, I'd almost bet on it.
I just played around with my Mac and PC, and my Mac has fairly meager specs for gaming, with Intel integrated graphics. It autodetects your hardware at first launch, and while it didn't look pretty, it was very smooth.
My gaming PC is much better, though. I could hike all the graphics settings to high (but not epic) and get smooth fps.
This feels just like the original UT with some polish. The controls handle beautifully, and my favorite weapon, the flak cannon, is still as satisfying and chaotic as ever. The bot AI is also still as dumb as ever. Maybe dumber. But this is an alpha, and that can change.
Overall it's definitely worth a look.
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"Work on the future of Unreal Tournament begins today, and we’re happy to announce that we’re going to do this together, with you. We know that fans of the game are as passionate about Unreal Tournament as we are. We know that you have great ideas and strong opinions about where the game should go and what it should be. So let’s do something radical and make this game together, in the open, and for all of us.
We’ve created a small team of UT veterans that are beginning work on the project starting today.
From the very first line of code, the very first art created and design decision made, development will happen in the open, as a collaboration... Read All
"Work on the future of Unreal Tournament begins today, and we’re happy to announce that we’re going to do this together, with you. We know that fans of the game are as passionate about Unreal Tournament as we are. We know that you have great ideas and strong opinions about where the game should go and what it should be. So let’s do something radical and make this game together, in the open, and for all of us.
We’ve created a small team of UT veterans that are beginning work on the project starting today.
From the very first line of code, the very first art created and design decision made, development will happen in the open, as a collaboration between Epic, UT fans and UE4 developers. We’ll be using forums for discussion, and Twitch streams for regular updates.
If you are a fan and you want to participate, create a free account and join the forum discussion.
All code and content will be available live to UE4 developers on GitHub.
The game will be true to its roots as a competitive FPS.
Development will be focused on Windows, Mac and Linux.
Epic Games is pushing pretty hard on it's tools in a very unique way. Earlier this year they released the Unreal Engine toolkit for a reduced price, but now they are now going to develop the next Unreal Tournament game in the open. It's an interesting model and I hope the results are a great Unreal Tournament game, we have needed a new one for quite a long time.
I am curious how many from the UT community will join in the games development?
I'm glad this isn't free-to-play, it's actually free. And the model they're using for development is a major shift from what we've seen in AAA games, honestly I'm more interested in how that turns out than how fun the game is.
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"Unreal Tournament 1999, original intended to be nothing more than an expansion pack for the original Unreal which would simply be called "The bot pack", turned out to be one of the most influential multiplayer shooters of all time. Toppling the giant powerhouse that was ID software in both technology and gameplay and modding capabilities of ID's engines. "
Unreal Tournament still holds up today as a great competitive FPS. I hope Epic decides to give some more attention to the franchise as UT3 was fantastic and id love a more modern take on this franchise.
"Unreal Tournament 1999, original intended to be nothing more than an expansion pack for the original Unreal which would simply be called "The bot pack", turned out to be one of the most influential multiplayer shooters of all time. Toppling the giant powerhouse that was ID software in both technology and gameplay and modding capabilities of ID's engines. "
Unreal Tournament still holds up today as a great competitive FPS. I hope Epic decides to give some more attention to the franchise as UT3 was fantastic and id love a more modern take on this franchise.
beansmyname Supporter
wrote on 07/22/2013 at 12:01am
UT3 was good, but UT2k4 is still the pinnacle of that series, IMHO.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 07/22/2013 at 04:25am
I agree 2k4 was amazing.
beansmyname Supporter
wrote on 07/22/2013 at 05:57pm
That being said, if we can get Epic (or whomever is responsible for it these days) to get their existing Linux ports into Steam, we'd have to get an event together.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 07/23/2013 at 01:23am
Absolutely. Installing UT2k4 on Linux isn't too hard. Once you have it setup, if the key is legit you can play online with people. I have the binaries from back in the day but I am not certain where you pick them up online these days.
beansmyname Supporter
wrote on 07/23/2013 at 08:32pm
I still have an ISO backup of my original disk from back in the day. I can play it in Linux just not via Steam. If we can get enough (8-10 people), I'd be down to play non-Steam, though.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 07/23/2013 at 08:50pm
Steam just installs the game for people, but the servers are not hosted on Steam and you don't need Steam to play a multi-player game.
You will need the Linux binary patch though and I think all the Community Bonus Pack stuff is available as a tarball or zip.
beansmyname Supporter
wrote on 07/23/2013 at 10:19pm
I know I can. I just like having Steam organize them all for me. I have the CBP zip backed up somewhere for easy reinstallation, too.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 07/23/2013 at 10:57pm
I do too. Less stuff to manage. Which is odd for me to say because I was the most hardcore opponent of Steam just a few years ago. The thought of buying a game without a disc was tantamount to insanity.
Then The Humble Bundle dropped and I got some Steam Keys....
beansmyname Supporter
wrote on 07/24/2013 at 01:44am
That's how I got hooked, too and now with the onset of Steam for Linux, I'm hooked.
jdodson Admin Post Author
wrote on 07/24/2013 at 01:47am
It's a very convenient thing. And all told , well worth the trade. Then again I put in my ol' Half-life key and it was redeemed on Steam so yay! :D
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I think I may post every time Steam has a sale on all the Unreal games because I love them so. This one also has the added benefit of being cheaper than I have ever seen.
Nab all the Unreal games for $10. Offer ends may 27th.
Seriously, do yourself a favor and frag with one of the most fun tournament shooters around!
I think I may post every time Steam has a sale on all the Unreal games because I love them so. This one also has the added benefit of being cheaper than I have ever seen.
Nab all the Unreal games for $10. Offer ends may 27th.
I didn't realize it was out either, and I was coming to post this myself earlier. I'm in the process of downloading it to Mac and PC as we speak. My Mac technically meets the system requirements but I bet the Intel graphics are going to make it unplayable. I'm going to try it, at least! Borderlands 2 does well, as do some other new games, so why not?
omg. UT is the best LAN party game ever. many hour of CtF and of course CAR BALL! (google it if you must)
this looks amazing. not sure if my comp is up to the task. but imma try anyways. good find!
Your computer is up to the task, I'd almost bet on it.
I just played around with my Mac and PC, and my Mac has fairly meager specs for gaming, with Intel integrated graphics. It autodetects your hardware at first launch, and while it didn't look pretty, it was very smooth.
My gaming PC is much better, though. I could hike all the graphics settings to high (but not epic) and get smooth fps.
This feels just like the original UT with some polish. The controls handle beautifully, and my favorite weapon, the flak cannon, is still as satisfying and chaotic as ever. The bot AI is also still as dumb as ever. Maybe dumber. But this is an alpha, and that can change.
Overall it's definitely worth a look.