"How does The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD's graphics and visuals compare to that of the original GameCube version? We pitted the two side-by-side in a head-to-head comparison to find out just how much better the Wii U version looks!"
Press play and crank up the resolution and watch Wind Waker side by side Wind Waker HD. Looks like Wind Waker HD brings some really crisp visuals to the table. Does this look compelling enough to nab on Wii U?
Press play and crank up the resolution and watch Wind Waker side by side Wind Waker HD. Looks like Wind Waker HD brings some really crisp visuals to the table. Does this look compelling enough to nab on Wii U?

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I'll admit that when Wind Waker came out at first... I hated the cell shaded graphics. However, seeing them in HD makes them look MUCH better.
This looks really cool, and I've never played Wind Waker, but I can't justify a U just for this game.
It does look great though!
Wow! Unlike WhiteboySlim, when I got Wind Waker when it was released, I was very impressed, I thought it was gorgeous! Now seeing both versions of the game side by side, I notice how smooth and gorgeous the HD version is and how I must have overlooked some of the aspects of the original version that make it not as beautiful.
Well, the original Wind Waker was played more on the old SD TV's and if you played the game on that, it looked great. BUT hooking up the old version to an HD TV is pretty rough so the HD version really sort of fills the chasm there.
Yeah, that makes total sense. It does seem pretty sweet that the game looks much better and more polished now.