"PRGE is proud to present the Northwest Classic Games Enthusiasts video game swap meet at the Portland Doubletree Hotel on January 18, 2014. We are taking it old-school...back when it was all about getting buyers and sellers together to help build buyers collections and help sellers find good homes for their extras while preserving the cultural and historical aspects of videogames. Nothing fancy - just games, games and more games.
Doors open at 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM. Admission is $5.00 at the door. The event is child-friendly so bring the entire family"
Cheerful Ghost will have a booth at this years Northwest Classic Games Enthusiasts Swap Meet in Portland. Since Cheerful Ghost is one of the best places to talk about Retro and new games, we will be present! Stop by and say hi while you hunt down that copy of Mario Paint with a working mouse for your Super Nintendo collection!
Doors open at 10:00 AM until 7:00 PM. Admission is $5.00 at the door. The event is child-friendly so bring the entire family"
Cheerful Ghost will have a booth at this years Northwest Classic Games Enthusiasts Swap Meet in Portland. Since Cheerful Ghost is one of the best places to talk about Retro and new games, we will be present! Stop by and say hi while you hunt down that copy of Mario Paint with a working mouse for your Super Nintendo collection!

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Pick me up a copy of Actraiser while you're there! ;)
Also seeing that rack of games has me drooling a bit.
I'll take more pictures this year than I did at PRGE 2013. I also need to come up with a few things I want to nab. Maybe some old Mario comics, Nintendo trading cards and some old Nintendo Power magazines.
I haven't signed in here since the Retro Game Con and can't believe I just missed this by a couple days! Going to have to keep a closer eye out from now on. Anyone know of any other gaming events in the Portland area that I should know about?
I'll be posting about the events that Cheerful Ghost has a booth at OR I attend as a "regular person" for sure. The next event I am going to and trying to get a booth at is Gamestorm 2014. It's a pretty awesome event if you love board & card games or LLARP's.
Awesome, thank you! Gamestorm looks pretty cool actually - I've only just recently started getting into more tabletop gaming so I might have to give it a try, though it's been kind of an intimidating world to get into so far. Would you say that PGRE and the game swap are the main events around as far as video games are concerned?
Game events in Portland? Yeah, I'd say so. There are PIGSquad game jams and such, but those are for people wanting to make games.