"As many of you know we decided to pull several of the mechanics and features from the Lunar Update and do them in a smaller update to minimize the wait for a patch. Now that this is out of the way we will be putting our full attention on the Lunar. Lazure has already been hard at work creating assets for the event and Crowno has a pretty awesome idea for the final boss of the event."
From the top of the feature list:
"You can now get quests from the Angler NPC for cool rewards. Each time you complete a quest, the rewards progressively get better.
You can now use critters as bait for fishing.
You can now ride around in style on the new Minecart system.
Beaches no longer feel so empty.
Truffle Worms now spawn in hardmode Mushroom biomes. Be weary using this bait near the Ocean.
You can now place weapons and tools on the craftable Weapon Rack. (Thank you Goryō for your suggestion!)
Added Smart Cursor. This can be toggled using control and has an interface option. Smart Cursor makes digging, chopping, placing, and breaking much faster and easier.
You can now craft stone letters and numbers with a Heavy Workbench.
Lihzahrd Powercells drop more commonly from enemies in the temple."
Awesome. Read the full set of patch notes here:
From the top of the feature list:
"You can now get quests from the Angler NPC for cool rewards. Each time you complete a quest, the rewards progressively get better.
You can now use critters as bait for fishing.
You can now ride around in style on the new Minecart system.
Beaches no longer feel so empty.
Truffle Worms now spawn in hardmode Mushroom biomes. Be weary using this bait near the Ocean.
You can now place weapons and tools on the craftable Weapon Rack. (Thank you Goryō for your suggestion!)
Added Smart Cursor. This can be toggled using control and has an interface option. Smart Cursor makes digging, chopping, placing, and breaking much faster and easier.
You can now craft stone letters and numbers with a Heavy Workbench.
Lihzahrd Powercells drop more commonly from enemies in the temple."
Awesome. Read the full set of patch notes here:

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This game is growing faster than I'm comfortable with. Not really, but kinda.
I'm seriously wondering at what point it will reach "too big." I'm kind of obsessive about games like this and I want to collect EVERYTHING and do EVERYTHING.
Terraria is going to be the death of me.
Perhaps a good problem to have? That said, Terraria is still VERY finite and our games have pretty obvious ends.
That said, they are giving it WAY more of a life than i'd have thought and I really respect that. Doesn't seem like we have that much further to go for the "final update."
Yeah I love it. I really do. BUT I WILL NEVER BE DONE. :)
Seriously, I'm looking forward to getting back into it.
Me too. I was thinking holidays for server part 4. Or is it 3?
4. We've done three. I guess lunar update is the obvious point for server 4.
And if by "holidays" you're talking about December, I'm not sure I can wait that long. If you were talking about Memorial Day or Independence Day as "holidays" though...
I'd be open to an earlier server.
I played around with this a bit last night. The smart cursor is awesome, but I can imagine I wouldn't want to use it all the time. With my already decked out character I was able to mine all the way to hell in a new large world in about a minute.
The new stuff seems interesting, I'll have to check it out sometime. When I saw the minecart video, I thought that it would be really cool if some how worlds could generate some minecart trails. I think that would be cool.
Is Lunar another game they are making?
The Lunar update, according to what I have read, seems to be one of the last large content updates to Terraria? They plan on adding the Moon and the final boss there.
I kind of thought the last boss would be Cthulhu himself, but it seems like it won't be.
Interesting, thanks for filling me in.
I havn't played for probably a year - this game looks insane now
@Sungorth: The game really has gotten pretty huge, I played it at 1.1 and then 1.2 and haven't yet played this update. Can't wait to start up a new game.
Jon, do you mean, "start up a new game," as in a new character in a new world? That would be dedication, going though it all over again. I've thought about doing that, maybe I will again eventually.
We've done it at least three times. Every time we do a new server we start up new characters. I have one other that I started fresh. It's fun!
Wow! I've only created one character.
Yeah, going through the game fresh is really fun. Otherwise there isn't much to do save the new content.
It's also kinda nice to start a new character because not all the new content is meant for end game. So I tend to discover things a little more naturally as I progress through the game. Plus I seem to progress quicker with each successive play through so starting over isn't really that big of a deal. :)
That said, if we start up another server I have no real preference for new characters or continuing on with existing ones. I think we'd have fun either way.
Good points!
With starting up a new one I'd definitely want new characters. There have been so many minor additions since our last one that we would still miss out on a ton.
At least they didn't nerf our favorite weapons again. Too bad they didn't un-nerf them. Hahaha Anyway, the wiki doesn't seem to have the Angler listed under NPCs yet.
Which wiki are you using? If you're using the wikia wiki, you're doing it wrong. The gamepedia one is the "official" one, and is much better.
That said, both wikis have the Angler in this case.
And they both have them in the categories:
It looks like all those page changes were made on the 9th, so if you checked before Friday they may not have been there.
I'm probably giving you way more info than you care about.
I was looking at the official one. Thanks for the links. If you notice the Angler doesn't seem to be on the front page.
Looks like it was added earlier this morning
I just realized that I barely ever looked at the front page, if ever, I just search for the thing/category I'm after. There's a lot missing from it, but it's a nice primer.
There we go!
Yeah, I just search for what I am looking for. Except for when I started and really didn't know what I could do with the game. That said, I love the wiki and hope it's always maintained.
Oh it will be. So many obsessed fans! What would we do without them?
Miss more than half the game.