Since the creation of the site all Cheerful Ghost posts went directly to the main page. That said, over time we have noticed that some posts don't make sense to go on the main page and changed that. Some new users want to say hi, some want to talk about different races in Star Trek. All of this is awesome stuff to discuss, so we created the new Forums section.
Basically all new users post directly to the forums. If it makes sense to, the post can be moved to the main page. If the post makes sense in the forums, it will stay put. If you want to post to the forums, after you submit it, click the drop down in the upper right of the post to send it to the forums. In the future I will add a toggle to post directly to the forums and also allow people to post directly on the forums from the page itself.
Basically all new users post directly to the forums. If it makes sense to, the post can be moved to the main page. If the post makes sense in the forums, it will stay put. If you want to post to the forums, after you submit it, click the drop down in the upper right of the post to send it to the forums. In the future I will add a toggle to post directly to the forums and also allow people to post directly on the forums from the page itself.

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Why is it that I just noticed the forums? I also noticed that the square to the left of the page that usually shows my profile pic is missing, except for my name. I also noticed that my profile pic (smaller sized) is right next to my notifications.
The forums were just "launched." They replaced the backchannel. It gives us more functionality essentially by renaming something to what it was used for.
The profile pic changes are a sign of things to come.
I'm curious as to how the forums will differ from regular posts. I don't believe I've really explored the "back channel" much. As for the profile pic, the one that's missing, I just assumed that my browser wasn't fully loading the page.
Basically, if you want to ask "should I play Oblivion?" that's not something that's necessarily good for the front page, so it goes to the forums. Generally, discussion rather than posts.
And no, your browser is loading fine.
Yeah, I suppose that does make sense.
Yeah, those are all changes to the site. The forums are a new section for general chat. For instance, I am going to post something about the new Mad Max trailer.
OK you can post direct to the forums from the post creation area and users can move their own posts to the forums after they are created if they forget to select it during creation.