"A video of the Staff of Efflorescence, a part of the Skyrim mod Plant Trees. The staff allows you to "paint" flowers anywhere in Skyrim, immediately having a calming effect on the population. Enemies will cease attempting to destroy you in order to smell the flowers."
Too bad you can't paint flowers on people.
Too bad you can't paint flowers on people.

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Very cool. That's one of the more interesting mods I've ever seen. I might have to check that out.
Next up: Butterfly Cannon!
Not quite as inventive, but incredibly game changing, I've been running the multiple followers mod. It's like I'm the leader of a gang, and it feels a little more like an old school RPG. I give basic orders, heal, and equip each person. It has completely changed the way I play the game.
For a game that you can put hundreds of hours into initially, the ability to mod it completely puts it over the top value wise.
Right, wonder if I should roll PC instead of PS3 for that reason!
I would, especially with some of the issues that they've been having on PS3.
Right, I just may do that.
It does depend on your rig, but if you could run Oblivion really well, then you should be okay here.
I have a fairly new slick computer. Everything seems to run well on it. Rage is beautiful.