I found this Lego Doom photo as I was spelunking the corners of the Internet and wanted to share it with you. Before I saw this I wasn't aware how much I wanted Lego Doom. Hopefully the Lego Doom movie isn't too far away!

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Cool video. I also liked at the end where there were other pictures of other Lego-made things like Star Trek and Doctor Who. The last frame of the video also shows others, like Ghostbusters. Cool stuff, although was it me or was the BFG missing?
Yeah, I didn't see a BFG either.
Have you seen the movie with The Rock in it? I thought that was awesome, especially when he gets the BFG and says what it is.
I have it. I actually think it's a pretty damn cool movie.
Awesome! I've seen it a couple of times, I thought it was cool, too. I've been a fan of The Rock since college (that's when I actually started to like wrestling).