To keep with tradition, Blizzard has released the Starcraft II Legacy of the Void opening cinematic with the new November 10th launch date. The games launch is only a few short months away but Starcraft II LoTV will launch the same day as Fallout 4. It makes sense, release a few months before the holidays but I wonder how sales will be impacted with the competing with Fallout 4? On one had both games have wildly different audiences but on the other hand, i'll be buying both.

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Uh, that release date isn't good. I'll buy both games, for sure, but I'm sure I'll be playing Fallout 4 first. When it comes time to play LoTV, I intend to replay SCII from the beginning.
That's a great idea Greg. I might do that myself.... But after I play Fallout 4. Ugh, to much awesome released at the same time!
Oh damn, too much awesome in one day.
I hate and love this time of year, because the new stuff all starts dropping in the same few weeks.