In the totally awesome news camp, looks like PixelJunk is having a 5th anniversary sale. Today until May 15 they are selling Racers, Monsters, Eden and Shooter for $1 each! PixelJunk Shooter 2 and SideScroller are both half-off for $5.
Looks like a good excuse to pickup PixelJunk Monsters as I loved the demo and never pulled the trigger on the full game.
You going to pick any of these up?
Looks like a good excuse to pickup PixelJunk Monsters as I loved the demo and never pulled the trigger on the full game.
You going to pick any of these up?

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Even with all the AAA titles around, the PixelJunk series is the biggest draw that the PS3 has on me. Don't know why, they just seem fun, interesting, and just different enough.