Overwatch is Blizzards upcoming team arena shooter and even though it looks fun, it's not really something I was into. Overwatch will launch on PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One on May 24th and to help keep the hype alive Blizzard is releasing some longer form videos that slice out a bit from the Overwatch world. The first video short titled "Recall" is linked above and showcases just how amazing Blizzard is at making videos. The typical triple A video production is present but the video really branches out into territory I haven't seen much from Blizzard. The video has a real heart to it and does a great job of investing you in the Winston character. Sure it edges a bit to the cheesy side at times but this is a side to Blizzard we haven't seen much and the video foregoes a grand apocalypse for something a bit more simple.
Are you going to pickup Overwatch? If you pre-order it now you will be in the upcoming open beta. Pre-ordering it secures you into the open beta but I imagine they will let people in that just want to try things out which I would prefer. I'd like to try it out before I decide to pick it up. From Hearthstone I know Blizzard is very capable of making multiplayer games I love, so hopefully the open beta is open to everyone.
Are you going to pickup Overwatch? If you pre-order it now you will be in the upcoming open beta. Pre-ordering it secures you into the open beta but I imagine they will let people in that just want to try things out which I would prefer. I'd like to try it out before I decide to pick it up. From Hearthstone I know Blizzard is very capable of making multiplayer games I love, so hopefully the open beta is open to everyone.