Overwatch is a team-based shooter where heroes do battle in a world of conflict.
BlizzCon opening ceremony drops @ 11am PST and will cover all the upcoming Blizzard stuff for the upcoming year. If you have some time to watch it and love all things Blizzard you should click play. Posting this a couple minutes before the festivities hit and I imagine there will be plenty of things to discuss afterward!

And it's a totally free PDF to download and read online by clicking the link below. Train Hopper is a very fun and short ride though a slice of the Overwatch world alongside the gunslinger McCree. Blizzard has said this is the first issue of a few comics to come and is well worth reading.

Overwatch is Blizzards upcoming team arena shooter and even though it looks fun, it's not really something I was into. Overwatch will launch on PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One on May 24th and to help keep the hype alive Blizzard is releasing some longer form videos that slice out a bit from the Overwatch world. The first video short titled "Recall" is linked above and showcases just how amazing Blizzard is at making videos. The typical triple A video production is present but the video really branches out into territory I haven't seen much from Blizzard. The video has a real heart to it and does a great job of investing you in the Winston character. Sure it edges a bit to...

Overwatch is a upcoming game by Blizzard that is a FPS first for the studio. With each new gameplay footage drop the game looks like a really fun entry into the team shooter space. Taking nods from Team Fortress and Unreal Tournament, Overwatch is a game in a dystopian far future that doesn't bring the gritty dark tone with it. It's also an entirely new set of IP so nothing from the Diablo, Warcraft or Starcraft universes here.
The character shown in this gameplay reveal is Hanzo a parkour assassin that can climb walls and pick off other heroes with his bow. Whereas I don't typically enjoy playing heroes like Hanzo, the overall game mechanics seem interesting to try...
The character shown in this gameplay reveal is Hanzo a parkour assassin that can climb walls and pick off other heroes with his bow. Whereas I don't typically enjoy playing heroes like Hanzo, the overall game mechanics seem interesting to try...

Blizzard dropped quite a bit of interesting news at BlizzCon yesterday. Not only is Blizzard dropping the last installment of Starcraft 2 on fans but they are also working on an entirely new game called Overwatch. Billed as a team based hero shooter, Overwatch looks really interesting and features a very unique art style that isn't common with existing Blizzard games. There are certainly characters that have the Blizzard feel, but overall, the art style is very sleek and has a very comic book feel.
Blizzard isn't sure if this will be a standard priced game or be free to play. Many people have compared Overwatched to Team Fortress, DoTA or League and I think those...
Blizzard isn't sure if this will be a standard priced game or be free to play. Many people have compared Overwatched to Team Fortress, DoTA or League and I think those...

So, I read that Hearthstone is getting a new single player mode, which definitely intrigues me. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/blizzcon-2017-news-and-announcements-overwatch-cha/1100-6454639/
Yeah, it really is interesting. I’ll write more about it soon!
I'm excited about it, but then I realized that it might actually cost something. I'm not sure how big that single player mode is going to be either.
I read something about how Diablo was missing from this event, which is kind of disappointing. I'm hoping for more Diablo and I'd love if they'd remaster the firs three Warcraft games.
Just wrote about all of that in my latest post. Funny, I just read your comment after I posted this so it's nice the post could address it.