In this special episode of Hearthstone Dailies for Ghosts I open 50 packs of Whispers of the Old Gods cards. After some unforunate technical launch day glitches I start things up.

A couple notes:

  • I open the worst Legendary you can. WHICH ONE? Find out.

  • I open the second worst? Legendary you can.

Is the game Trolling me?

That said I consider this a pretty lucky set of opens even though I didn't get so lucky in opening Legendaries. One saving grace was that it was a golden so I can craft a proper Legendary.

I am a free to play player and these packs were purchased entirely with gold.

JaBo wrote on 04/27/2016 at 03:44am

Jelly of that gold Journey Below, I am tempted to craft 2 (for 800 each lol). I been playing raptor rogue and that card is boss... (and getting golds off of it is better obvi)

JaBo wrote on 04/27/2016 at 03:48am

BTW, props to you for doing the free to play.. and yeah, thank God that leggie was gold at least lol. I mean... would have been better to get a gold leggie of a playable guy unless you don't care about golds and just want the dust.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/27/2016 at 05:28am

> Jelly of that gold Journey Below

Yeah, it's nice. I play so many crazy golden cards off it. Mostly pulling Golden Xaril which I may craft. Xaril is SOOO good. At this point I may craft Sylvanis or Xaril. I have enough to craft 2 legendaries BUT that might not be the best thing as filling in other places may be better strategically.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/27/2016 at 05:31am

> BTW, props to you for doing the free to play..

It's actually been OK. Lots of really dry spells grinding for gold. Months of only opening the one free Tavern Brawl classic pack or the one you can occasionally get from quests. That said, Hearthstone is still very fun and I enjoy playing a lot. It was harder earlier on but now that I have a pretty good collection things are much better.

> thank God that leggie was gold at least lol. I mean... would have been better to get a gold leggie of a playable guy unless you don't care about golds and just want the dust.

Agreed. Now I can craft a proper Legendary. I keep golden cards most of the time. Glad I did in the case of blade flurry because when it was nerfed I got 800 dust! I keep all my cards, golden or otherwise unless I need the dust, which is rare. Usually I spend dust on commons & rares but this time may be different.

Still unsure entirely what to craft so i'll hold off a week or so to decide. It's easier to spend dust and gold than get it back smile

JaBo wrote on 04/27/2016 at 04:10pm

Well, I'll provide some feedback of new ones as I use them. I have all but 3 of the new legs. Between the packs and 16k dust, I just grabbed almost everything.

New ragnaros is boss.

I put together a divine shield paly deck and added him as a topper (using challenger too). The priest I was playing literally shut me out all game.

T1 cleric keeps me from pooping a soldier he can kill and heal/draw from. So I put out the +1/+1 secret for team and wait.

When I finally play, I put out the 3/3 that gives shield to 1 toughness creatures. And I put out the defender secret. He pains the 3/3 and swings in to my now unprotected 2/1 secret defender. Kills it and heal/draws....

Ugg. I can only throw out soldier next turn (was holding blood knight). He steals it with cabal.

I cast the 5 mana 5 soldier spell and even throw off the resurrect secret (since I'm hoping my +1/+1 secret buffs my team). Well, he clears the board with excavated evil. But he doesn't kill the revived soldier. So my secret procs next turn to give me a lone 2/2 soldier. I trade it with the weakened cabal and I drop a mysterious challenger. He shadow words it. It comes back with 1 hp, he shadow words it again. FFS lol

I slam ragnaros down proudly knowing he's out of shadow word, fully expecting entomb tho. Heals me for 8.

He can't kill it. Next turn I give it +3/0 and divine shield, cast sword that buffs shielded minions by +1/+1, play my knight to steal shield to be a 6/6 himself, smash face for 13 (cadence procd too) and heal for 8.... It's gg from there.

JaBo wrote on 04/27/2016 at 04:15pm

Also, the new hogger was my last craft with my last dust... Not disappointed. Gotten so many creatures off him compared to they old one. Also.. Consider him as a defence to cthun. Each time he gets hit, instant new 2/2 body. If your board is empty and he plays Cthun, hogger can potentially proc 6 times before he dies, giving you 12 extra toughness to absorb the dmg. It's like an 18 health buffer against Cthun.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/28/2016 at 02:22am

I've heard many people say new Hogger is bad but he looks really good. Nice to hear you are having a good time with him and good to know about him soaking so much from C'Thun in a good way. I hadn't considered that before, but it makes sense!

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/28/2016 at 02:27am

Bina and I got together tonight and challenged each other to the best out of three with these rules.

1. We pick a class for the other person.
2. You can only use Standard commons and basic cards.
3. You can only spend 5 minutes making the deck.

We went best of three and Bina won the series in our 3 matchup. It was really fun and I recommend it if people have friends to try it with. You can mix up the rules as you want too. I like the making the deck in a limited time though.

JaBo wrote on 04/28/2016 at 02:45am

I've been wanting pauper format! (Commons only) I like the time limit too

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/28/2016 at 03:14am

Right. It basically means, unless you cheat, you can't net deck and have to use cards that mostly everyone has. It was fun I played with cards I wouldn't otherwise.

JaBo wrote on 04/28/2016 at 03:36pm

That's why I like arena, too. Not to mention getting 5 copies of flame strike is just hilarious

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/28/2016 at 08:59pm

Did you get that at one point?

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/28/2016 at 09:00pm

> That's why I like arena, too.

Yeah, it's a great format. I don't love the 150 gold to play model though.

That said, I plan on playing more this year so that should be interesting.

JaBo wrote on 04/29/2016 at 03:23am

I have gotten 5 flame strikes before, yeah.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 04/29/2016 at 04:15pm

That's incredible!

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