For quite some time Hearthstone players have noted that some cards are a bit overpowered. Chief among the cards most cited as massively overpowered are Yogg Saron, Tuskar Totemic and Call of the Wild. Blizzard seems to have agreed because today they dropped information about some upcoming balancing changes to the cards I cited. I never felt that Yogg or Call of the Wild were overpowered but I don't really mind the changes made to both cards. In the case of Call of the Wild Blizzard increased the mana cost to 9 still making it a very powerful late game card but it now competes with other Hunter cards like King Krush. One change I really liked is the nerf to Abusive Sergeant. Abusive Sergeant is now a 1/1 down from a 2/1 which makes it a more situational card as opposed to a card that was nearly always good at any point in a Zoo deck. The changes to Charge seem to have entirely wiped out the Warrior OTK Worgen deck which I won't lament as when the combo was achieved there was nothing you could do to stop it.
Happy Blizzard made these changes and now that One Night in Karazhan is safely behind us I can't wait to learn more about the next expansion, whenever that will be.
Happy Blizzard made these changes and now that One Night in Karazhan is safely behind us I can't wait to learn more about the next expansion, whenever that will be.

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So, I agree with all the nerfs except Yogg. I can't justify playing Yogg after this. Before, I could kill myself with Yogg or do some great things. It typically averaged out that if I had 10+ spells, I could hope to wipe the board at the least. But, I've killed myself by over drawing my deck and fatigueing myself out more than a few times.
Now though, it's like servant of yogg. Could have 20 spells to cast, but the 1st one could kill Yogg and then done. I can't spend 10 mana to do nothing in a game. So now, the odds will be more likely that Yogg is a flop or a negative effect than ever. It was barely a competitive card as is... I'm not sure why C'Thun can be powerful, N'Zoth can be powerful, but not Yogg.
The rest are nice changes though. So sick of Shaman decks, FUUUU hahah.
Call of the Wild is way powerful, so it going to 9 is actually reasonable.
Btw, the best way to stop that Worgen OTK is with mage or hunter secrets :D
> So, I agree with all the nerfs except Yogg. I can't justify playing Yogg after this. Before, I could kill myself with Yogg or do some great things. It typically averaged out that if I had 10+ spells, I could hope to wipe the board at the least. But, I've killed myself by over drawing my deck and fatigueing myself out more than a few times.
Yogg often kills himself early on, so you're right, this is a pretty big nerf to Yogg. Firstly I don't have Yogg and was sort of considering crafting him. This doesn't change that, but I might craft another more essential card. Yogg always seemed like a #yolocatchup card, this does change that but it seems.. honestly it seems more fair to me. Typically when people prayed to Yogg I never felt like the outcome was very good, I mean sometimes it was but generally it was a pile of nothing. That said, when Yogg works it's incredible and people seemed really upset by that.
> The rest are nice changes though. So sick of Shaman decks, FUUUU hahah.
Agreed. The deck is so much value on value it's gross. I am not sure these changes really fix the main issues but when standard rotates GOODBYE TROGG AND TOTEM GOLEM! Honestly liked Totem Golem before Tunnel Trogg and when they added Tunnel Trogg Shaman still wasn't amazing but those cards combined with others make it so hard to out value. Shaman used to be my favorite class but it feels like such cheese now I have a hard time playing it.
> Btw, the best way to stop that Worgen OTK is with mage or hunter secrets :D
Or a later game taunt. Once I knew what to look out for with Worgen OTK I don't think anyone ever killed me with the combo again.
I already had amazon prime, so yay for free hero
Totally. I picked her up. She's a fun hero.