After Amazon bought Twitch I was wondering what that had in store for Twitch as when a company is bought out it usually has a big effect on the child company. Today Amazon is launching Twitch Prime which is an extension of the Amazon Prime yearly service. Basically if you have Amazon Prime you get Twitch Prime included as part of the package, which is a nice bonus for Amazon Prime members. Twitch Prime gives you an exclusive ad free experience and every so often you get free games and exclusive in game items. For the launch of Twitch Prime you can get the free Hearthstone hero Tyrande Whisperwind free until November 5th. If you have Amazon Prime but don't care about the Hearthstone Hero, I urge you to head over to link your Twitch and Prime account to get the code and give it away. Apparently this deal is region locked to the counties Amazon Prime is available in so not all Hearthstone players are eligible to get the hero.
That said, if you are you should check it out as I've played a couple matches with Tyrande and she is a fun new hero that makes losing as Priest a bit easier to handle. All joking aside, I made a pretty fun Resurrect & N'Zoth Priest deck and Tyrande pilots it well.
That said, if you are you should check it out as I've played a couple matches with Tyrande and she is a fun new hero that makes losing as Priest a bit easier to handle. All joking aside, I made a pretty fun Resurrect & N'Zoth Priest deck and Tyrande pilots it well.

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I read about this last night. I have Amazon Prime, but not a Twitch account, so I think I'm going to create one. I do have the Twitch app on the PS3, but I've never used it. I haven't watched any Twitch channels, but I suppose I could start. If nothing else, the game bonuses would be nice to get.
*Update* I created my account and found one of my favorite YouTubers to follow for free. I claimed my free Hearthstone gift, but am waiting for to update.
>Tyrande and she is a fun new hero that makes losing as Priest a bit easier to handle.
What do you mean by this?
It's a sort of inside joke about the current state of Priest not being very good. In fact I didn't have a Priest deck even made before this. I made a Rez death rattle deck and it's not amazing but fun!
Ah. That's the funny thing about this game, you'd think the Priest would be one of the best because his ability is to heal yourself. Also, you'd expect Gul'dan to be the worst because his ability to draw a card causes you to lose life. It seems that's apparently not true, from what I've seen and you've said.
Speaking of Gul'dan, I'm thinking about posting about the Warcraft movie, because I recently rented it via Amazon Prime (see I mentioned AP, too, so this is even more relevant). He was in it and I thought it was a cool movie.
As for Twitch, I'm all signed up and have my AP account linked. My user name is "gregopeck" and I've already subscribed to one of my favorite YouTubers and followed another. Let me know if you're on there, or send me a friend request. :)
Back to Hearthstone, since I got Tyrande, I switched out the Priest and selected her. I also changed the card back for all of my decks to the one you get when you unlock her. That one is beautifully blue, even better than the Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void card back.
> Ah. That's the funny thing about this game, you'd think the Priest would be one of the best because his ability is to heal yourself.
It's a fine ability later game but not great early game. Nearly any other classes hero power is better early game. Turn 2 comes around and you have nothing to play? Well with Rogue you get a 1/2 weapon. Druid gets a 1 attack 1 armor weapon. Warlock can draw a card. Paladin gets a 1/1 minion. Shaman gets a Totem. Mage can hit face with a fireball. Warrior gets 2 armor. Priest's healing is USELESS turn two because you nearly never need to heal anything.
Warlocks ability seems to me to be terrible until you realize how incredible drawing a card is.
> Speaking of Gul'dan, I'm thinking about posting about the Warcraft movie, because I recently rented it via Amazon Prime (see I mentioned AP, too, so this is even more relevant). He was in it and I thought it was a cool movie.
Interested in reading what you think of it. I was thinking of buying it straight up because of getting the Hearthstone Midevh hero for free with the Bluray.
> Back to Hearthstone, since I got Tyrande, I switched out the Priest and selected her. I also changed the card back for all of my decks to the one you get when you unlock her. That one is beautifully blue, even better than the Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void card back.
It's a very cool card back. Currently what I am playing with for all my decks too.
I think Midevh was in it, too. I don't really have much to say about it. I liked it and thought it was cool. I liked things that were in it that reminded me of the Warcraft games I've played (I haven't played all of them), including Hearthstone. Other than that, there's not much else to say about it. I think if you like Warcraft, you probably won't be disappointed. From what little I've seen about it online, it seems that it is pretty popular.
I did not like WoW, but I do like the traditional Warcraft series. Would the movie still be good without an appreciation for WoW?
Yeah! I've never played WoW, but I've played the first two games and Hearthstone, so I was able to appreciate the movie as a Warcraft fan.