Just wanted to wish everyone a very Scary Halloween! Since Halloween falls on a Monday this year I imagine most celebration happened over the weekend but i'm still curious what you all are doing this year? We were going to have a small party but instead we all got sick so we cancelled that and are going to watch the new Ghostbusters later tonight. Also wondering what people have been playing lately? As per normal i've been playing ... Hearthstone. Yeah, I know, not a huge surprise there but I have been continuing my Final Fantasy VI advance game as well as really tearing into Mortal Kombat on the Sega Genesis.
Stay safe if you are going to be out celebrating or doing tricks or treats tonight!
Stay safe if you are going to be out celebrating or doing tricks or treats tonight!

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Vinny went trick-or-treating with some good friends.
As for what I'm playing....Ark: Fear Evolved 2!!! LOL Yeah I'm *still* playing Ark.
Mortal Kombat on the Genesis. Wow, that's a blast from the past. I wore out a fighter joystick on that game.
I have been playing Shadow Man on N64 on New Super Mario Bros U on the Wii U.