I've been saving up gold for the new Hearthstone expansion for a couple months now and after the recent Hearthstone Gadgetzan expansion dropped I was able to finally open them! I've never had better pack opening luck and snagged 7 legendaries! I didn't get a great common and rare distribution but I opened about 1 legendary for each 10 packs, which is incredible. It's a crazy pack opening ride followed up by playing new decks as I take down the Grimy Goons, Jade Lotus and Kabal quests one by one.
Curious to hear about what you opened and any new decks you are trying you've liked playing with?
Curious to hear about what you opened and any new decks you are trying you've liked playing with?

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jdod is the best!
I have been eating more!
Kazakas was in German or Polish btw, 1st minute of video. Not sure intentional or not.
Yeah, I noticed that too after it was rendered and uploaded. I finally edited the video pretty late, must have slipped past me.
Don't edit tired!
Haha, I hate myself. I didn't mean to just post a typo correction basically. I haven't been able to listen to it much yet. Started to but then wife wanted to watch a show. Easy to play a game or watch, but harder to listen.
Haha, saw where I commented to you. What did you end up crafting?
Nothing yet. Waiting for the meta to settle before I commit to crafting. Really enjoying playing with what I have now in the crazy Hunter beast and Shaman Murloc decks.
I put together murloc pally, holy cow that deck is aggresive. With the 6 +1/+1 boosters to stuff in your hand, plus murlocs just buffing each other, it gets out of hand. And palladin can afford to just hand dump and replenish with divine favor.
Yeah, I've seen those they look fun. Share you decklist!
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Thanks for the deck, I'll try it out!
I found this deck last night and started playing it. OMG so fun.
Missing a couple cards but i'll build it now and give it a go. I
Reno Warlock decks.