Watch The Nintendo Switch LiveStream NOW! It's happening now. Click the link above to watch the magic. Comments 3 AdamPFarnsworth wrote on 01/13/2017 at 04:59am Wow, 1 2 Switch looks like it has the opportunity to evolve gaming like Wii Sports did! jdodson Admin Post Author wrote on 01/13/2017 at 05:06am Yep. Ok I'm going to push this to the forums and make up a new Switch post. AdamPFarnsworth wrote on 01/13/2017 at 05:07am Why not just leave this for people to watch and comment on? If you want to join this conversation you need to sign in. Sign Up / Log In
Wow, 1 2 Switch looks like it has the opportunity to evolve gaming like Wii Sports did!
Yep. Ok I'm going to push this to the forums and make up a new Switch post.
Why not just leave this for people to watch and comment on?