When Ocarina of Time came out in 1998 it was one of the biggest game worlds i'd ever experienced. As games like Fallout and Skyrim came out Ocarina now seems quaint but Nintendo seems ready to take on the the challenge of building a much larger Zelda game this time around. As you can see in the image above, Breath of the Wild dwarfs previous Zelda games as well as Skyrim. I'm not sure creating a larger game world makes a game better on it's own but having more space to play in will make the game much more immersive.

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Interesting. If it's filled with stuff to interact with, then this is great. If it's simply just "big" with little to do, this will actually be annoying.
Still looking forward to the game though!
Getting it on the Wii U or Switch?
Wii U. Gonna wait a while on the Switch.
Hopefully there is a lot to do. A lot of times I get bored with big worlds.