Jack and Rich review Nintendo's latest Zelda game and they love it. Clocking in at an hour it's one of their longer reviews and as such a pretty deep dive in Zelda's gameplay.

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Everything they say is 100% correct :)
Except for the dungeon bosses. Maybe I hit the water boss earlier than I was supposed to, but that dude kicked my butt repeatedly and caused multiple rage quits lol
Good video, the first of Previously Recorded that I've watched. I subscribed, so I'll look at more of their videos. I still haven't played BotW. I figured I'd give my son time to play it. I still really want to play it. Vinny hasn't been playing it much lately, he has a few other games he's been playing. It is hard to not play something you really want to play, but I've decided to wait a little while. I'm eagerly looking forward to it as pretty much everything I've seen, heard, or read about has been very positive. I'll get to it eventually, but I'm thinking of playing Twilight Princess HD a bit before so that I can use the Wolf Link amiibo in BotW.
Hearing that the Switch version suffers from hardware issues has really surprised me. I assumed that it would be the Wii U version that suffered, but that doesn't seem to be the case.