Wanted to wish all the stateside Ghosts a very happy Independence Day. Drop off what you’re doing in the comments and enjoy the national feast of hot dogs!

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Gotta support the national feast of hot dogs! We're headed over to have a cookout with my wife's parents later. Otherwise we're doing some cleaning. Fun times! :D
Neighborhood party.
Doing the same thing I do every day. LOL No hot dogs! Pork is causing me problems.
Beef hot dogs.
Turkey dogs are also a thing. Not a great thing but they exist.
Yeah and tofu dogs, too, I think. I have gallstones and I've noticed that when I eat pork, I have a gallstone attack. I may need to get my gallbladder removed, but since I've cut pork out of my diet, I've ok. There may be other foods that trigger it, but so far I haven't noticed, or at least I'm not aware of all the foods that trigger it. Supposedly I should stay away from hamburgers, but luckily Whoppers don't bother me. :)
Otherwise, I'm gaming. I've been playing Far Cry Primal and I'm nearly done with it. I've also been playing the Sims 4 a bit. And I've been re-reading Jurassic Park.
TOFU DOGS AREN'T AMERICAN GREG! But seriously, if pork does that, then yeah, cut it out.
I've been playing Hearthstone, but I think i'm going to stop the daily grind as it's getting bothersome. Fun while it lasted though and I have enough gold to open 33 packs next expansion and a junk load of dust for 5 or so legendaries!